
The Opinion section regularly features staff editorials, columnists' essays on topics privy to them, and unpopular opinions.

Opinion Alex Wilkinson Opinion Alex Wilkinson

New York is the perfect place for a National Park

If you are like most people, the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions New York is the bustling cityscape of New York City, one of America's biggest and most populated cities. New York State, however, is also home to luscious natural landscapes, beautiful natural scenery and sprawling mountain ranges that bring thrill-seekers of all kinds to climb, ski, snowboard or just hike trails in the various locations available. Despite these gorgeous natural areas, New York is one of twenty-one states that do not have a single National Park in them. New York has multiple State Parks, but not one National Park.

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Opinion Sawyer Wilson Opinion Sawyer Wilson

Diamonds in the Rough

The other day I was sitting in The Lamron office in the mailroom for what I thought would be a time to eat lunch and an excuse to spend some time hanging out with my some of The Lamron’s editors, Kaitlin Anzalone (editor of the Opinion section) and Emma Mincer (co-editor of the News section). 

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Opinion Nicolette Farago Opinion Nicolette Farago

Stew Doesn’t Stand Alone

I’ve had this stewing in my head since dinner—the dinner in question being the dinner I had the same night I wrote the work of art that is the “Soup is a Beverage” article. If you haven’t read that article, I highly recommend taking a peek at that one before you continue on here for both some very helpful context and for the absolute wild ride that it is. Perhaps it will brace you for what lies ahead.

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Opinion Nicolette Farago Opinion Nicolette Farago

Soup is a Beverage

Last week, a poll was put on The Lamron’s Twitter asking whether or not soup should be considered a beverage. While the poll resulted in a resounding “no,” I am here to make the case that soup is, in fact, a beverage. It seems that people don’t quite understand this logic, so I’m going to lay it out as clearly as I possibly can. I have strong feelings about this subject, so expect some turbulence.

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Opinion Nicholas Deya Opinion Nicholas Deya

Hiking is a Good Outdoor Activity

Hiking has always been a favorite outdoor activity of mine. No matter when or where, I have always found hiking to be an amazing way to explore new locations and get in some physical activity. While some hikes may require more endurance than others, there is always a reason for me to find myself out on new trails.

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Opinion Frances Sharples Opinion Frances Sharples

Scorpio Season

Welcome to early November. We're in the post-spooky era, diving head-first into crunchy leaves, dark windy weather, and a brisk chill in the air. It’s Scorpio season, baby.

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Opinion The Lamron Opinion The Lamron

Geneseo Restaurants Ranked

With the wide variety of restaurant options in Geneseo, it is hard to choose which is best. Luckily, The Lamron has put together a list of the most popular restaurants by category.

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Opinion Nicholas Deya Opinion Nicholas Deya

Temple Hill Cemetery

While Halloween may be the perfect time of year to visit a cemetery out of curiosity, many visit cemeteries for a variety of reasons, including recreation and historic fascinations. With the town and village of Geneseo being filled with plenty of history, there are great reasons to visit the local Temple Hill Cemetery, which itself is filled with plenty of historic value.

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Opinion Nicholas Deya Opinion Nicholas Deya

Social Media in the 21st Century

In the 21st year of the 21st century, while there are many prevalent issues, I believe the most significant is the constant presence of social media. For a creation that was intended to connect people, it seems that it does the opposite. While there are certain benefits to its existence, there are many cases where it goes from being an enjoyable pastime, to a new age addiction.

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Opinion The Lamron Opinion The Lamron

Top 5 Halloween Movies

With the return of “Spooky Season” comes the debate as to which Halloween movie is the best. There are so many options to choose from, so The Lamron has decided to release its top five picks for the season!

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Opinion Alex Wilkinson Opinion Alex Wilkinson

Astrology is Useful Despite Not Being Fact Based

Astrology and astronomy are two words that often get convoluted. One is based in scientific fact and the other is rooted in guesswork and personality affirming beliefs. Despite popularity, there is no evidence to support the idea of personality types and ideals being based on when someone is born. However, that does not mean that astrology is useless.

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Opinion Kaitlin Anzalone Opinion Kaitlin Anzalone

Tree Repainted

When walking through the Sturges Quad, there are a couple things that catch a person’s eye—one being the Seuss Spruce, the other being the majestic black walnut tree with colorful paint. The Painted Tree stands out more than the other, but many things have changed over the last year regarding the Painted Tree.

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Opinion Sawyer Wilson Opinion Sawyer Wilson

New Disastrous Meal Plan Could Have Been Avoided

If there is one thing that most, if not all, on-campus students can agree with this semester it is this: the new meal plan sucks. Whoever conjured up this horrendous excuse for a food service plan clearly did not have the best interest of students in mind. There are clear issues that anyone who created this would see if they spent even five minutes in a student’s shoes. But before we examine these issues, let’s review last year.

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Opinion Nicholas Deya Opinion Nicholas Deya

State Parks in New York are Superior

There are many ways Americans enjoy spending their free time and money. Some people frequently attend movies, others may take trips to exotic countries, and some may find satisfaction in a trip to a New York state park.

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Opinion Alex Wilkinson Opinion Alex Wilkinson

The King of Ice Cream

When most people talk about their favorite ice cream flavors, the decision often comes down to the battle of the classics: the light, subtle flavor, attributed to vanilla, and the dark, rich, creamy flavor of chocolate.

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Opinion Nicholas Deya Opinion Nicholas Deya

The Return of Vinyl Records

In the year 2021, practically every form of media can be streamed. From movies created a century ago, to the sitcoms of the 90s, even music recorded decades ago has been converted for digital use. Any song can be located and played within a matter of seconds, often for free, and yet people, to this day, spend money for a plastic disc that oftentimes have audible flaws, scratches, and collectively can take up plenty of space.

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