Knight’s Life

Knight’s Life covers all aspects of student life including clubs, Greek organizations, volunteer opportunities, campus living and dining, advice for students, and anything else that has an impact on Geneseo students.

Regan Russell Regan Russell

Michele the therapy dog’s tenth birthday

On Thursday, Mar. 6, 2025, one of the greatest events ever occurred on campus inside the Milne Library. This event was the famous Michele the therapy dog’s tenth birthday party! All students and faculty were invited to celebrate this amazing milestone celebration. 

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Sarah Bhasin Sarah Bhasin

2025 Spring Internship and Job Fair

Next Thursday, Mar. 27, the Career Design Center will host the Spring Internship and Job Fair —the first in-person, all-major internship and job fair since 2019— from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm in the MacVittie College Union Ballroom.

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Regan Russell Regan Russell

Upcoming rallies in Geneseo

The month of March is often a busy time for students, many trying to make the weeks go by faster leading up to spring break. Do not let this anticipation distract you from the upcoming Saturday, Mar. 8, 2025, which is International Women’s Day. This globally celebrated day is important to both the future and history of women and their journey with human rights. 

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Abigail Cornelius & Kendall Cruise Abigail Cornelius & Kendall Cruise

How to tackle housing selection

Up until Apr. 1, students can submit their housing applications for where they (and possibly some friends) would like to live on campus over the 2025-2026 academic year. It is important to carefully consider the different aspects of your plan for housing next year, as the environment you live in can significantly impact your day-to-day life. Below are some of our best pieces of advice for the housing selection process, as well as some things we leave in for your consideration.

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Nathaniel D’Amato Nathaniel D’Amato

Invasion of Privacy: Sanu Mallisetty on the necessity of Upstate Escapes

As the semester progresses at a snail’s pace while work seems to pile higher than ever, it is important to remember students’ outlets on campus that allow them to garner community and be among like-minded individuals. Fortunately, for students of the SUNY Geneseo campus, some outlets have the potential to continue to do just that for those willing and eager enough to try them out— one being Upstate Escapes. 

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Eduardo Imbert Eduardo Imbert

OGX: Celebrating diversity through dance

At SUNY Geneseo, student organizations are crucial in shaping campus culture and fostering community. Among these, Original Xpressions (OGX) stands out as the college’s only multicultural dance group, bringing together students from various backgrounds to share their love for movement, music, and self-expression.

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Sarah Bhasin Sarah Bhasin

Danielle Ponder’s keynote address and performance

Feb. 25, 2024, marked SUNY Geneseo’s annual Diversity Summit, a day of sessions and discussions on diversity hosted by community members, faculty, and students. A highlight of this event was the keynote speech presented by the lawyer and musician Danielle Ponder. 

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Kendall Cruise Kendall Cruise

BSU’s annual soul food dinner

On Saturday, Feb. 22, the Black Student Union (BSU) held its annual soul food dinner in the MacVittie College Union’s ballroom. BSU is a cultural club that “…uses cultural, educational, and social activities” in the hopes of “[uniting] through the greater awareness of the cultures of the African Diaspora.”

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Nia Jones Nia Jones

Diversity Summit: Hair Monologues

Last spring, I attended the Hair Monologues for the first time and was enamored by the poetic pieces that filled the air. I had the honor of hearing the stories of friends, faculty members, and professors who gracefully shared their stories with us. Sharing the ups and downs of your hair journey with others is a very vulnerable and intimate experience that I think everyone should have once in their lives. I will share some stories from the presentation that resonated with me.

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Daniel Moore Daniel Moore

Invasion of Privacy: Dr. Jessica Gilbert-Overland

Dr. Jessica Gilbert-Overland is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography and Sustainability Studies at Geneseo. She has held many positions, including being an alum (class of 2013). These ranged from starting as an adjunct in the Spring of 2020 to being a postdoc and now in her current position as an assistant professor. 

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Abigail Cornelius Abigail Cornelius

Dr. Olaocha Nwadiuto Nwabara: A labor of love for the community

Dr. Ọlaọcha Nwadiuto Nwabara is an assistant professor of West African literature and cultures in the English Department. She has been at Geneseo for six years and has a background in Black Studies, African Studies, and Africana Studies. Nwabara is Nigerian-American, and her family is from Umuahia, a city in Nigeria.

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Kendall Cruise Kendall Cruise

Academic support on campus

Every year, the Spring semester sneaks up on college students as they return from winter break. Compared to the Fall semester, professors assume a higher level of familiarity, preparedness, and an already-in-the-groove spirit. This can make learning new material overwhelming, as students already try to grapple with various homework and reading assignments they might struggle with. 

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Regan Russell Regan Russell

Some Valentine’s Day events that took place on campus

While many students may have had a romantic evening with their significant other on Valentine’s Day, the campus was bustling with students from various clubs and organizations hosting events. Many Friday afternoons in the Macvittie Union are sparse with people, but this past Friday, Feb. 14— it was anything but!

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Professor Amy Braksmajer Professor Amy Braksmajer

SUNY Geneseo SEX[Ed]: Sexual Health, Beyond the Basics

College students have a lot on their plates, and when it comes to their mental and physical well-being, things can get tricky— especially when we talk about sexual health. Sadly, this group is more likely to face problems like unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than others. To give you an idea, people between the ages of 15 and 24 account for more than half of all STIs in the US, even though they only make up about a quarter of those who are sexually active. 

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Gillian McDonnell Gillian McDonnell

Dr. Alexandra Oprea and PPE Lecture Series

On Thursday, Feb. 6, Dr. Alexandra Oprea from the University at Buffalo’s philosophy department came to SUNY Geneseo to present on “How to Be a Good Democratic Citizen.” This was the inaugural talk of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Lecture Series. 

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Kendall Cruise Kendall Cruise

Invasion of Privacy: Becoming Victor E. Knight

For schools nationwide, mascots are a vital symbol of community and motivation for its students, symbolizing the greater whole of the school and becoming a vital component of sports fan and player lifestyles. At SUNY Geneseo, we are lucky enough to have one of the most iconic mascots, having won the annual SUNY Mascot Madness in both 2016 and 2018, Victor E. Knight; aptly named for his appearance as a human wearing a medieval knight’s armor.

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Regan Russell Regan Russell

Galentine’s Day crafts

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate love for romantic partners, but not everyone has a romantic partner. Whether this is by choice or coincidence, it is no reason to skip an opportunity to celebrate love!

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Regan Russell Regan Russell

Study Abroad, Club, and Community Fair

On Monday, Feb. 3, 2024, Geneseo hosted their annual Study Abroad, Club, and Community Fair in the Macvittie Union from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. Most tables for this event were set up inside the Ballroom, with a handful extending out to the Union’s lobby area to show Geneseo students how many opportunities are available on and around campus and how to access these resources. This especially applies to the Study Abroad programs offered to students.

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Sarah Bhasin Sarah Bhasin

Shakti: A powerful culture club

As the new semester settles in, students may search for ways to be involved in the campus community. Joining a culture club allows students to connect with their heritage, learn about a new culture, and build connections with diverse people. Shakti, SUNY Geneseo's South Asian club, is one of the 190 recognized student organizations, offering a lot for their members and the students on the SUNY Geneseo campus. 

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Kendall Cruise Kendall Cruise

Campus-wide scavenger hunt begins

The Student Association (SA) is teaming up with Geneseo’s favorite radio station and voice of the valley, WGSU 89.3, to hold a rubber duck scavenger hunt from January 27 until voting for Referendum begins on Mar. 3. This event seeks to raise awareness and exposure for the upcoming Referendum while engaging the campus in some light-hearted competition. 

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