Soup is a Beverage
Image provided by Nicolette Farago
Last week, a poll was put on The Lamron’s Twitter asking whether or not soup should be considered a beverage. While the poll resulted in a resounding “no,” I am here to make the case that soup is, in fact, a beverage. It seems that people don’t quite understand this logic, so I’m going to lay it out as clearly as I possibly can. I have strong feelings about this subject, so expect some turbulence.
First, let’s define what a beverage is. According to the dictionary, a beverage is defined as “a drink, especially one other than water.” Soup isn’t water, but if you’re still not convinced let me tell you how the dictionary defines a drink. A drink is “a liquid that can be swallowed as refreshment or nourishment.” Now, you may say that soup isn’t refreshing—I disagree, but that’s fine—but the word “or” is a very important tool used in that sentence. Soup is very nourishing.
Think about it—you swallow soup, soup is liquid, soup is nourishing and soup may be refreshing (try a summer strawberry soup). By all accounts, soup is definitely a beverage.
I understand that this notion may create a visceral response within you, and that’s okay. I am here to help you confront your feelings about a topic that is apparently difficult to stomach (unlike soup) so that we can all move past this together. Say it with me: soup is a beverage. If you don’t believe me, then believe in evidence and the transitive property, which is the only concept I remember from 9th grade geometry.
Why do people have such a difficult time accepting that soup is indeed a beverage? What in their brains lights up and says that this is wrong? Food and beverage are not mutually exclusive terms.
This is my opinion, and while I wholeheartedly believe that I’m right, you’re free to do your own research and form your own opinions. What you think about soup isn’t of my personal concern because it is highly unlikely that you and I will ever talk about this. That being said, one of us took the initiative to write an article about it, so I think I’m winning.
I want to tell you a story. A few weeks ago, I had some Good SoupTM (not trademarked) and I desperately wanted more, but I had to go. You know what I did? I got a cup, filled that baby with mushroom barley soup, and walked away sipping that thing like it was a good cup of coffee. I drank that soup like I would never have another meal—and I certainly haven’t had one as memorable. I did later put a dandelion in it which sort of killed the vibe, but that was my bad because obviously, a dandelion is not a beverage. But I digress.
All in all, soup is certainly a beverage. I can drink it. It’s a drink. Drink soup—we all do, and we all should.
Also, don’t try to come at me about consistency or the inclusion of solid bits because we all know you think milkshakes and boba are valid. Don’t fool yourself.