Knight’s Life
Knight’s Life covers all aspects of student life including clubs, Greek organizations, volunteer opportunities, campus living and dining, advice for students, and anything else that has an impact on Geneseo students.
Invasion of Privacy: International student, Zahoor Raza
Zahoor Raza is a business administration major who has attended SUNY Geneseo over the past two semesters through an international studies partnership hosted by his university in Karachi, Pakistan. Raza has truly been making the most of his time on campus, being involved with copious clubs and extracurriculars such as Model UN, The Lamron, Society for Human Resource Management, and the National Society of Success and Leadership. On top of this, he is a frequent contributor to The Friday Times, a notable, independent Pakistani newspaper, publishing since 1989.
Invasion of Privacy: Web editor Nevaeh Tucker
Over the past two and a half years, The Lamron has been lucky enough to find itself as one of the many organizations in which senior English literature major and communication and political science double minor Nevaeh Tucker has taken up a leadership role while at SUNY Geneseo. With Tucker’s graduation less than a month away now, it is only fitting that we send her off into the real world by first celebrating her time at the college.
Frugal Foodie: Sheet pan pancakes
Pancakes are a relatively easy breakfast to make. Not everyone, however, is a master with a spatula. This sheet-pan pancake recipe is perfect for those who cannot master the art of flipping pancakes but still love the delicious, fluffy meal.
SUNY Geneseo students win Annual UBSCOM Case Study Competition
On Saturday, Apr. 13, 2024, a group of four Geneseo School of Business students competed and took first place in the annual University at Buffalo Supply Chain and Operations Management (UBSCOM) Case Study Competition. The “League of Logisticians” team consisted of senior business administration majors Brandon O’Brien and Isaac Pollock, junior marketing major Spencer Haughney, and accounting major James Bradford.
Invasion of Privacy: Editor-in-Chief Kaitlin Anzalone
Kaitlin “Kate” Anzalone, a senior sociomedical studies and communication double major with a minor in human development, has spent the past year serving as The Lamron’s mighty captain—otherwise known as Editor-in-Chief (EIC). Originally hailing from Fredonia, the SUNY Geneseo campus has been fortunate enough to serve as her home for the last four years. During this time, Kate has worn many hats across campus as the president and founder of the Disabled Student Alliance since spring 2023 (which just won an award for ‘Best Emerging Club’ this semester) and as a loyal Lamron member since her freshman year, having served as a staff writer, assistant opinion editor, and opinion editor before becoming EIC.
Filipino Student Union celebrates its second annual dinner
SUNY Geneseo is a college that hosts various cultural and identity organizations, and each club hosts a cultural dinner in the MacVittie College Union’s ballroom every year. The point of these dinners is to spread awareness, raise money, and celebrate the individual cultures of each organization. Aside from serving food specific to each culture, these dinners often feature performances, fashion shows, or skits from the club to help the audience understand their particular culture. This year, I have made it a goal to attend as many cultural dinners as possible in order to further inform myself. On Saturday, Apr. 20, I attended the Filipino Student Union’s dinner, “Pasinaya.”
Invasion of Privacy: Mia Donaldson reminds us all to relax
Mia Donaldson is a senior English literature and American studies major with a minor in political science who currently serves as editor-in-chief for Iris Magazine, SUNY Geneseo’s first and only queer literary magazine. She is very involved on campus within the English department, serving as a student voice in meetings and when considering potential new faculty. We here at The Lamron were fortunate enough to have her among our ranks as a member of the e-board during her sophomore and junior years, as well as the first semester her senior year. Due to general busyness, she did step down from her position as copy editor this semester, but we still felt drawn to include her in our interview series involving graduating e-board members—we hope you will allow for this discrepancy.
Exciting upcoming campus events
As we approach the last couple weeks of the semester, there are some final Geneseo events that you won’t want to miss out on! Here’s what’s on tap:
Drag is not a crime
Drag has always been a place of resistance and is particularly potent as the amount of political attacks on gender nonconformity has risen. On Monday, Apr. 22, the honor of introducing Rochester drag queen Mrs. Kasha Davis was given to senior women and gender studies major Cameron O'Brien. O’Brien during their introduction stressed how everyone should have the opportunity to live as their true authentic selves.
Frugal Foodie: Sloppy Joes
A classic sloppy joe sandwich is perfect for nights when you want to eat at home but hardly have any ingredients available. These sloppy joes are made with just a few ingredients—many of which you probably already have sitting in the fridge!
PFZ, Peace Action highlight the importance of making Geneseo more sustainable
On Tuesday, Apr. 23, 2024, students gathered outside of the MacVittie College Union to begin their walk through campus and around the administration buildings to rally for sustainability. The rally was a joint effort between Plastic Free Zone (PFZ) and Peace Action with the goal of celebrating and recognizing the sustainability efforts of students on campus. Students from various student-run groups were also present including the Beekeeping Club.
AKPsi and Morgans Message host pieing fundraisers
On Friday, Apr. 12, 2024, two separate organizations held fundraisers for their respective charities. Alpha Kappa Psi (AKPsi) and Morgan’s Message both raised money by letting students pie members in the MacVittie College Union. Pieing has been a popular fundraising option for organizations at Geneseo for years, but the intriguing aspect of these pieing events, specifically, was that they occurred at the same place and at the same time.
Invasion of Privacy: Sports Editor Nathan Hubbard
Nathan Hubbard is a communication major who has served as sports editor of The Lamron for the past year. Despite coming into his role with the newspaper hesitantly and at the behest of his roommate, Hubbard has become one of The Lamron’s strongest supporters since he first joined in the fall semester of 2022. With his graduation quickly approaching, it is only fitting that Hubbard be given the “senior treatment” and opportunity to express his story at SUNY Geneseo.
Invasion of Privacy: Comic Editor David Potter
David Potter is a senior communication major who is involved on campus as a member of Southside Boys, one of our campus’s many acapella groups, and has been serving as The Lamron’s comic editor for two semesters. Originally from Webster, NY, a suburb of Rochester, he notes that he really cannot remember a time when music wasn’t a part of his life. This semester, he has had the opportunity to perform as a member of the on-campus production of Tuck Everlasting, which will be his first show since before COVID-19, and feels incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to perform in one last musical before his time as a college student concludes.
Frugal Foodie: Sheet pan-fried eggs
Eggs always make the perfect addition to meals, especially breakfast. These sheet pan-fried eggs are perfect to add to breakfast sandwiches or anything else you feel needs a bulk-up!
SMAC continues to advocate for mental health resources on campus
On Sunday, Apr. 7, 2024, Sisters Making a Change (SMAC) hosted their annual Out of the Darkness Geneseo campus walk. This annual walk of campus is part of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s (AFSP) signature student fundraising series “Out of the Darkness Campus Walks.” The fundraiser aims to engage youth and young adults in the ongoing fight to prevent suicide.
Invasion of Privacy: Copy Editor Dylan Dariano
Since 2022, The Lamron has been graced with Dylan Dariano’s presence; he is a senior communication major who currently serves as the copy editor. He has held several different positions within the organization and proved to be the utility man that we needed. As graduation approaches, his time with The Lamron is coming to a close, and therefore, we decided it was necessary to share his story.
Frugal Foodie: Dorm room guacamole
This easy-peasy guacamole recipe requires so little equipment that it can even be made in your dorm room! With just a handful of ingredients, this guacamole recipe is perfect for those who are craving a little chips and dip.
Invasion of Privacy: Business Manager Camryn Marshall
Over the past two semesters, senior finance major Camryn Marshall has served as Business Manager of The Lamron. Despite coming to SUNY Geneseo undeclared in the fall of 2020, and even stepping away from the college after her second semester, Marshall has found her place on campus and in the professional world through her efforts in leadership roles both with The Lamron and beyond.
Great Outdoors Club aims to boost membership through nature
Sophomore French and Spanish student Ayden Link has been the president of the Great Outdoors Club since the spring semester of his freshman year. He stepped up early during his time with the club due to graduating e-board members, stating “During COVID, it was maintained differently.” Link explained that the Great Outdoors Club is fundamentally different post-COVID, saying “We used to be a really big and popular club, and then COVID hindered that, but we've been trying to rebuild.”