Fall Fest

On Friday, Nov. 11 the Geneseo Campus Activities Board (GCAB) hosted SUNY Geneseo’s annual Fall Fest in the MacVittie College Union Ballroom and lobby.

The Co-Events Coordinator Anna Shepard, a sophomore psychology major, told me: “We don’t usually play this event; this is usually someone else’s event, but we jumped on board, and it was really fun, and we are glad to bring it to the students.”

I then spoke with the other Co-Events Coordinator Rianna Balz, a sophomore mathematics education major, about what attractions they brought to the event this year.

“Fall fest today includes street signs, alpha art, a mechanical bull, photo booth, airbrush tattoos, [caricatures], and obviously free food,” Balz said. “We also had Exit 8 come today and do a little show for us.” She also informed me that most of the attractions were brought in by Neon Entertainment, an entertainment company they work with often.

One attraction that was offered was the psychic readings, which Shepard later disclosed was her favorite activity offered. For this attraction, you signed up on a list and were able to busy yourself with other activities while you waited. Once your name was called, you were led into the Kinetic Gallery next to the event space where you were greeted by a psychic who then gave you a reading. Managing Editor Emma Mincer and I each got a reading and agreed that this woman was very talented, as all things said rang true to us.

While we waited to be called in for our reading, we went and made some street signs. This seemed to be one of the most popular activities at the event. There was a wait due to its popularity, it was worth it in the end when we collected our comedic street signs.

Another event we engaged in was the photo booth. This was a wonderful addition to the event allowing attendees to capture moments with friends and walk away with a printed photo strip. While in line, we met a group of friends enjoying the festivities. I spoke with one member of the group, a sophomore childhood special education major Hayley Gambale, during the event.

“I am really enjoying the photo booth, but I am planning on doing the bull riding so that will probably be my favorite.”

And yes, there was bull riding, which I feel like has become an iconic staple at campus events. While I myself didn’t take part in this specific event, I thoroughly enjoyed watching people get thrown from the mechanical bull. Thankfully the bull was surrounded by a bounce house cushion, so there was a lessened risk of injury.

For this event, advertising was mainly done through the GCAB Instagram and Geneseo’s Weekly Digest; however, some people were drawn to the event simply by chance. Savannah Burley, a sophomore early childhood/childhood education major, said “I honestly kind of was stopping by the Union, we were doing homework and we were like ‘Oh my God, free food and stuff,’ and then we saw all these activities!” Fall Fest provided many students with a well-deserved break from their studies.

While there were many positive statements about the event, Macy Benz, who is a sophomore early childhood education major, stated that “The only thing that I maybe would want more of is stuffed animals.” She also said she enjoyed the event and would attend events like this in the future.

As the event came to a close, I spoke with Tea Hensler, the Chairperson for GCAB and senior theater major on how they felt the event went. “This event was really successful. It was one of our biggest turnouts of our events this year.”

A final thing that the GCAB board wanted to mention was that they are in need of a graphics coordinator. You can apply for this position through a link in their bio on Instagram.

In terms of future events, you should look for announcements on the GCAB Instagram @geneseocab and announcements in your Geneseo email.


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