Fast food is superior to sit down dining

We are lucky to live in the modern age where, if you are hungry, there are plenty of options. In Geneseo alone, the options range from the cafes on Main Street, to several pizza places, and even places such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King that are just up the road. While fast-food restaurants often receive a bad reputation, without them, our fast-paced world would quickly spiral into chaos if there were no places that could fix up your food in just a couple of minutes. 

Regardless of the quality of food, fast food restaurants serve their purpose—to get food fast. Perhaps one of the most irritating aspects that can occur in a sit-down restaurant is the time it takes to get a drink. While some waiters may be more focused on their food, it still is obnoxious when you have to wait for a refill for an excessive amount of time, and at that point the meal is already half over. 

Additionally, while the price may be reasonable, a tip is an additional cost that appears when at a sit-down restaurant. Over time, the percentage that is expected when tipping has increased quite substantially. Even if a waiter provides you with lousy service, there is still the expectation that a tip of some sort is left. In my opinion, tips should become a thing of the past and employees’ wages should be built into the price of the food. 

One of the biggest mistakes that can be made when ordering food is telling the waiter you’ll need another minute. This oftentimes, but not always, means you will not see them again for a while. It sometimes seems as if some waiters take this as an excuse to ignore your table and not come back for a time. 

In a fast food restaurant, assuming you decide to eat in, you are able to act like an adult and actually decide where you are going to sit. The sit-down restaurants that allow you to sit where you would like are oftentimes more casual, something that is greatly appreciated but the majority of dine-in options have someone lead you to your assigned seat.

At a fast food restaurant, you are provided with the ability to decide how long you are there. Since you are immediately provided with your food, you are not required to have to wait for an appetizer, then the meal, and then after you have finished, you may have to be sitting there forever, until your check eventually arrives. The process that comes with the sit-down experience is oftentimes more effort than it’s worth.  

When COVID-19 was at its worst, dining in was not an option. It was the duty of fast food restaurants to feed many people during their lunch breaks. The world was able to function without sit-down restaurants for a time, though fast-food establishments continued to operate.  

It is with these collective parameters that fast food restaurants are able to find so many customers. While a sit-down restaurant is nice, if provided with the time, for the majority of the time a fast food restaurant is far superior.


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