Staff Editorial: Support for Ukraine

The war on Ukraine has brought devastation to the lives of millions of people. Many of the citizens of Ukraine are fleeing to other countries for safety as civilian lives are not being taken into consideration in this war.

After the Russian invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, over four million people, most of whom are women, children, and the elderly, have fled their homes in Ukraine, according to the Operational Data Portal. As of right now, Ukrainians are not flocking to the United States, but if they do come, we as a country should be ready to support them. Ukrainian refugees are fleeing mainly by train or on foot to neighboring countries like Poland, Romania, and Moldova. According to the Operational Data Portal, around 2.5 million people have fled to Poland, making it the most popular place to seek refuge at this time.

According to The Washington Post, “Most Ukrainian men ages 18 to 60 have been banned from leaving the country…” These men are banned from leaving as they are expected to stay and fight for their country’s honor. These men have no choice but to separate from their families and brave the Russian invasion.” 

Many other people are remaining in Ukraine because they have no other options—many citizens cannot find a way out or are too afraid to leave their homes and shelters. 

With all of the chaos in Ukraine, people in other areas are looking for ways they can help. The United Nations World Food Programme has set up a Ukraine Emergency fund to help provide food assistance to those fleeing the country. The last thing Ukrainian refugees need to worry about is their food supply, and this helps eliminate this concern.

Furthermore, civilians fleeing Ukraine may not be in the best of health. Because injuries are impacting soldiers and civilians alike, medical supplies have become very scarce. According to The Cut, a program called Heart to Heart International, a humanitarian organization, “is donating $20 million worth of medical supplies to Ukrainian refugees in Warsaw, Poland.” For many of the people fleeing, the battle isn’t over once they cross the border; that is just the first step in their journey. By ensuring that these relief areas have adequate medical supplies, people can be more at ease after their arrival in the safe haven. 

As there are many children fleeing the country, there have been charities established in order to support them. One such organization is The Voices of Children Foundation. This foundation “provides psychological and psychosocial support to children” according to their website. During wartime, events can cause major trauma to those experiencing them. With assistance, these children will have a better chance at better processing these events.

Along with people fleeing the country, there are also beloved pets traveling alongside their owners. An organization known as the International Fund for Animal Welfare is collecting donations to help support refugees with pets. They state on their website that “Dogs and cats are often hungry, dehydrated and showing signs of hypothermia.” This organization helps provide not only food but supplies for these pets.

All of the horrific events unfolding in Ukraine can make you reflect on your own life and make you grateful for everything you have. If you are able, please donate to any of the above charities to help people and pets affected by this war.

The Lamron

Web editor for The Lamron, SUNY Geneseo's student newspaper since 1922.


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