Spring is the best season

When spring technically begins on March 20th, it is synonymous with undesirable, winter-like weather. The trees still have no leaves, the grass is brown, and there is still a decent chance of seeing snow on the ground. However, as the season continues, the weather gradually gets better, though gradual at times can feel like an understatement. The inconsistency of the weather day-to-day can leave a person curious as to what season spring actually is—one day may bring shorts and T-shirt temperatures, then the next back to sweatshirts and coats. 

Once we’ve reached May, the weather is at its best—perhaps the best of the year. It seems the weather can officially be considered decent when the birds return to sing their songs. The ground becomes more filled with squirrels and chipmunks, displaying a return of life. The landscape, in general, becomes green again, a drastic contrast to the barren land of the winter. There is no dead grass or dormant trees, but rather plenty of living specimens.  

Spring is an ideal season because there are plenty of months of comfortable weather to look forward to. Unlike fall, which is a great season in itself but leads to the dreaded season of winter, spring transitions to summer, which continues to provide warm, comfortable weather. 

Additionally, with the latter half of the spring comes the return of outdoor events. While summer has plenty of recreational activities offered, it can come with exhausting 90-degree heat. Outdoor events in spring provide moderate temperatures, at times with a greatly appreciated breeze. 

To conclude the season, we get the longest days of the year, which gives more time to enjoy the outdoors. The increase in sunlight makes the days feel more energizing. During winter, it seems there is nothing worse than to go days on end without seeing the sun in addition to the bitter cold. To know the threat of another snowstorm is gone provides a great state of mind when thinking of spring. Once we’ve passed mid-April, we are typically in the longest time span of snow-lessness in New York. To know it only gets better from a certain point on is a hope-inspiring aspect of spring. 

While the beginning of the season does not start with ideal temperatures, it is not all about how it starts, but how it finishes—and spring definitely knows how to redeem itself. It may start out cold, but it concludes with temperatures typically in the 70s, and allows a person to sit outside without begging for water to cool down or hot chocolate to warm up. 

If spring had to be ordered in the season list, it would have to be third best. It has the potential to be second, following fall, though its early start makes it difficult to consider it better than summer, which is able to house consistently warm weather throughout.


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