Healthy ways to cope with the stress of finals

Finals can be one of the most stressful times in any college student’s life, but there are ways to deal with stress. Not all ways of dealing with stress are healthy, so here are some stress relievers that are safe and The Lamron approved.

Our first piece of advice when it comes to dealing with stress is to go outside. According to the American Heart Association, “Nature presents scenes that gently capture your attention instead of suddenly snatching it, calming your nerves instead of frazzling them.” I know right now it seems like all you should be doing is studying, and you are spending a lot of time in your room or academic buildings. Go outside and get a breath of fresh air. It is unseasonably warm, so I think we should take advantage of this opportunity while we can. 

While you are outside, some physical activity may prove beneficial. According to  the Mayo Clinic, “Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious.” Anything that can reduce anxiety is considered a great idea in our book.

Something that can lessen your feelings of stress and anxiety is getting a good night's sleep. According to Suicide Line Victoria, “The mental benefits of sleep are thought to include the capacity to improve creativity and problem solving; lower the likelihood of depression and other mental disorders; and even increase life expectancy.” Sleep can be a time to reset and start fresh. Even a one hour nap can do you some good.

If you prefer to remain conscious, talking with your friends can be a welcome distraction. Friends can provide emotional support and quite literally a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes all you need in your life is the opportunity to rant.

Getting proper nutrition can also lessen your feelings of stress and anxiety. According to Aetna, “Your GI tract is home to billions of bacteria that influence the production of chemical substances that constantly carry messages from the gut to the brain. Two common examples of this are dopamine and serotonin. Eating nutritionally dense food promotes the growth of “good” bacteria, which in turn positively affects the production of these chemicals.” To keep your body and your mind in working order, you should remember to eat well-balanced meals if at all possible.

A personal favorite stress-relieving activity strongly endorsed by The Lamron is listening to music. According to Psych Central, music has been shown to decrease heart rate, release endorphins, and distract us allowing our stress levels to lower. Listening to music can also be done while you are studying so you are still being productive while lowering your stress levels. 

There are of course many opportunities to combine stress-relieving activities—for example, you can go on a walk outside while listening to music. By combining stress-relieving efforts, you have a better chance of relaxing.

Another Lamron favorite stress-relieving activity is a mental health drive; this is where you get in your car and drive and listen to your music full blast with all the windows down. We believe it is a good way to clear your head and take a break from your studies.

Practicing self-care during one of the most stressful times of the year promotes good overall well-being; even if your self-care act is something as small as making sure you shower or eat three meals a day, that is a good thing. It is important to remember to do things for yourself so you have some enjoyment in life. We all get stressed, we are all tired. Make sure you take some time for yourself during finals season. It may not seem like it now, but grades aren’t everything; your overall well-being is what matters most.

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