Cats are cool and cat-haters drool

Jewles Tucker via Nevaeh Tucker

I feel like cats get a bad rap. I’ve heard many (terrible) opinions from people, claiming that they hate cats or that dogs are just way better—I totally get that dogs are great, but you don’t have to tear cats down about it. I think this kind of opinion says more about the speaker than it does about the cats, so let’s delve into this a little bit.

Most often I feel like this type of opinion comes from people who dislike cats’ more independent and assertive nature. If they don’t want you to pick them up, they’ll let you know; if they want to spend hours alone under your bed, then they’ll do it; and when they’re ready to come love you, they will. Essentially, consent is pretty important to cats—yes, even for you as their owner. But why does this have to be a bad thing? 

No, you can’t just cuddle and play with them whenever you want, like you can with most dogs, but they’ll do these things when they want to, and why shouldn’t they have some autonomy over themselves? They’re living beings just like us, and they deserve to be respected as such. So, when you think about it, is your hatred of cats rooted in a need for control and inconsideration of their consent?

The next thing I’ve heard a lot is people saying cats are just plain mean—to this I say, really? Is it truly reasonable to make the claim that all cats are just mean in nature? Or are you making a skewed generalization because you have mistaken cats’ independence and assertiveness for meanness? Personally, I would guess the latter. 

While I understand some people have had bad and legitimate experiences with cats, I would still say this probably did not happen because it was just a mean cat—the cat was probably agitated, overwhelmed, or defensive; or maybe it was just an accident. While I can understand a fear-based avoidance of cats, they don’t deserve the abundance of hate they receive, and they are highly misunderstood.

Most cats won’t constantly beg for anyone’s attention, especially if you’re not their favorite person or parental figure, so don’t fool yourself into thinking that just because they’re cute and cuddly—and if you did have this expectation and were let down, whose fault is that? Cats live on their own time, as they should—it’s their life. But this doesn’t mean that they are just cold and heartless—cats feel emotion and love deeply, but love does not exclude consent. Cats are allowed to do as they please and still be your best friend.  

Now, if you are a person who prefers not to have pets in general, or maybe you’re allergic, that’s fine, but don’t be a hater! Cats are amazing companions; you just have to respect their boundaries, just as I hope you would your human companions. My cat is my little best friend; she requires her space and has her preferences, but she is an amazing being that I love deeply. She really makes me feel bad for those who won’t give cats a chance, because I know that they are missing out.


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