What the stickers on your laptop say about you

A lot of people like putting stickers on their laptops; it’s a fun way to express yourself to the people around you and it adds a personal touch to an object that you use a lot. I spend so much time with my laptop that, at this point, it’s practically an extension of myself. My entire life resides in my phone and my laptop, and I take both with me pretty much everywhere; so if that’s going to be the case, then it should be decked out properly. 

Now, people have different personalities, and so they decorate their laptops differently. Because of that, we can all tell what kind of a person you are by your stickers. I’m taking a deep dive into what your laptop stickers say about you. 

Firstly, let’s talk sticker organization—if your laptop is covered in stickers that all overlap each other, you scare me. You are a very creative person that doesn’t just think outside the box—you obliterate the box. You are all about pushing boundaries and finding new ways to create and express and paint the world in color, but dear lord your mind is chaotic. Tons of stickers overlapping, completely covering your laptop? What is this madness? I can’t even begin to make sense of it—it directly causes me anxiety. Please take care of yourselves, overlapping-sticker-people; we love you, but you may need help. 

As for the orderly sticker people, you like things in their place, including your laptop stickers. Structure is how you keep your life together and girl, same. You have a routine for everything, and no one can stop you when you make a to-do list. You have done some serious feng shui in your life, including the stickers on your laptop; however, if things fall out of balance, you lose your ever-loving shit. We love our hyper-organized folks, but maybe work on your flexibility and resiliency. 

If you have Geneseo stickers on your laptop then you are likely a freshman, or at least have them from freshman year (ah, to be young and drunk on life and opportunity). If you have them on your laptop not from freshman year, or you’re still proud of them, you are loyal almost to a fault. That’s what your friends and family love about you. You make strong ties with people, which is why you are still loyal to Geneseo, but be careful. Loyalty, like everything, is a strength in moderation. Don’t go down with a sinking ship, like a bad friend or corrupt social system. 

If you have stickers that say, “good vibes,” are beach themed, a “mental health matters” sticker, or stickers that depict cute animals or plants, you have a strong heart for giving back to the world. You want to see positive change in the world and want people to live their best lives; however, because you’re so empathetic, you can become over-invested in people and their problems. Make sure you are doing the self-care that you need to do.

If you have a sticker for the company you work for—stop. No one cares that you work for KPMG. We get it! Now stop rubbing our noses in it! The place you work doesn’t care either! Goodbye!

Lastly, if you have stickers that advertise a sports team, you clearly like confrontation. Not only are you a passionate sports fan, which already has a competitive atmosphere, but you are also displaying that for the world—you are asking for a fight. Like, literally asking for a fight. You are purposefully seeking out confrontation. Now, I’m not saying that is a bad thing—a friendly argument can be cathartic and even fun. But if you walk away with a bloody nose one of these days, we all know why. 

Those are the extent of my thoughts. I don’t think I will have any more on this subject in the future but if I do, I will be certain to publish them. In the meantime, think carefully about how you decorate your laptop.

Thumbnail Photo via Photo Editor Mollie Wadhams


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