Late Knight: Rest in peace

With about a month and a half left in the semester, the idea of Late Knight returning to Red Jacket is a thought of the past and has been for quite some time. While this may just be another dissatisfied commentary on an overly covered topic, I feel it is a necessary one. 

While it may have been a frequently covered topic at the beginning of the fall semester as an effort to encourage Campus Auxiliary Services (CAS) to implement its return, the focus of this article is more on the disappointment that has resulted from the realization that it most certainly is not coming back. As we returned back from winter break, there was a hope that Late Knight would return; last academic year, Letchworth was closed for the fall, but it returned in the spring.

While there can be understanding that many places suffer staffing shortages, it seems this explanation from CAS is no longer suitable to account for this. The fact that it has become an annual tradition over the past two years to remove a significant element of the dining experience seems ridiculous. While I cannot speak to the logistics of recruiting staff, it seems something has to change, as consistently having to remove certain options from the meal plan does not seem to be a sustainable way to operate. 

Even if Late Knight was to return just for weekends, we could learn to accept that change; the fact that it has been entirely scrapped is a real blunder for many students. Not only was it enjoyable for many to dine on a menu separate from the typical dinner options, but it also allowed for students to socialize at later hours of the day. I can remember when my friends and I would plan to make the journey from North Village to South Village just as an excuse to do something outside of our dorms. It used to be a social gathering for many following the hockey games, but this year there was no such experience. 

Along with the extended menu of options such as soft pretzels and mozzarella sticks, the later hours additionally allowed many students to simply dine during a time that was more suitable with their schedules. Whether it was clubs or a heavy workload, Late Knight gave an extended timeframe for when obtaining food could be possible. 

While the closing time of Red Jacket has only been minimized by a couple hours, those two hours have made a significant difference to how many will remember their dining experience this academic year. For freshmen this may be an insignificant change as there is nothing to previously compare it to, but for those of us who remember it, Late Knight was most certainly a memorable end to many of our days. As a senior, I will not be able to experience Late Knight ever again, though I do hope it one day again returns, as I know it would be a pleasant surprise for many.  


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