Ask Minerva #2

Dear Minerva,

How do I deal with the people in my dorm building being annoying? People are always so loud, ding dong ditching, and incredibly nosey. I know being in a first year building makes it difficult, but these people lack respect, especially when living in a shared space.

Help me!

Judgement Kazzy

Dear Judgement Kazzy,

The struggle of being in a chaotic living space can really affect your mental health! Trust me, I’ve been through it! The truth of the matter is people often aren’t aware of how much they might be affecting others. Few people genuinely hold much self-awareness and could benefit from a gentle reminder as to how their actions may affect others. I recommend being honest and transparent with those on your floor. Creating and inviting a conversation where you can share your feelings freely might help others understand that seemingly “harmless” behaviors are affecting you. 

Even so, I also understand that some people are stubborn. That’s where I become stubborn too. Don’t take your foot off the gas. You should feel comfortable in your own dorm, in your home away from home, in your personal space! Advocating for yourself can be so difficult but please be aware that you have options to not go through this alone! One great solution is to talk to your RA about these issues. They can assist you with issues that may be occurring on your floor, such as the ding dong ditching (super old school, by the way, and pretty lame).

Don’t fret, my friend. These troubles are super common, and I’m sure everyone has their fair share of first-year dorming horror stories. Even though it may be common, however,  it is crucial that you advocate for yourself. You shouldn’t have to deal with this. That’s not fair to you. Remember that you are not alone nor do you have to endure this alone.  I wish you the best of luck in getting this pesky issue resolved!

Sweetest regards,

Minerva Gulp

Got a pressing issue on your mind? Come and ask columnist, and SUNY Geneseo’s beloved Minerva Gulp for some top-of-the-line advice. Remember to keep your message anonymous by using a pen-name or simply signing as ‘anonymous.’ Submit a question by scanning the QR Code below or by visiting!


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