Summer, the season

If there is one season that is most likely to be considered the favorite, it would be summer, and, for good reason—it is the only one that is reliable for decent weather throughout. Fall is great, but even it has its flaws towards the end, bringing with it gray skies and barren trees. Winter, obviously, comes with nothing but dreariness. Spring has the opposite issue of fall, starting out lousy, but progressively improving.

It is summer and summer only that starts and finishes with comfortable temperatures. There are certainly days where it would seem reasonable to desire cooler temperatures as it can be excessively hot, though in this part of the country where warm temperatures account for a minority of the year, it is still worth appreciating. During summer, the entire outdoor landscape is green and filled with plenty of life with wildlife constantly present.

If the weather is of no appeal, then there is, at the very least, a well-deserved break from school. There seems to always be less stress in the summer, as summer vacation typically provides some relief from the bombardment of schoolwork. With limited potential for a 15-page paper, many instead spend their time appreciating the sun.  

In summer, transportation is almost always easier. Due to lack of snow, the roads are always clear and there are typically not excessive amounts of rain. More forms of transportation also become accessible, especially through water, which is greatly limited in other parts of the year. While water is perhaps not most people’s main form of transportation, it is synonymous with an increase in potential recreational activities. 

For an outdoor person, summer allows for all-day long enjoyment. Temperatures never drop below the sixties and allow for plenty of things to do. A person can walk, ride a bike, swim, kayak, and plenty more, all of which are greatly limited during other times of the year. 

In summer, we are further graced with the longest days of the year. The sun is typically up before many are awake and remains there until the later hours of the day. There is never a lack of light either, as overcast is infrequent. With this, people have more capabilities for the majority of the day and plan accordingly.  

In comparison to the rest of the seasons, summer would have to be close to the best. Winter can clearly be placed at the bottom, with spring playing a close runner up, though its early elements are difficult to forgive. It seems when summer starts, it is over before you know it—the reason why every day is worth appreciating. With this season being synonymous with nothing but recreation, it is difficult to find significant flaws. 

Overall, summer and all the assets that come with it are plentiful. While some people may find certain flaws, they are likely minor, and if it was up to most, summer conditions would last all year. With a little over a month until this much-appreciated season arrives, the weather has already started to display signs of summer conditions, with many people already dressing to enjoy this comfortable weather.


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