Tips & tricks for registration

Registering for classes can be stressful, whether it’s your first time doing it or your last time. Maybe two classes that you need to take conflict with each other, or maybe a class you need isn’t offered that semester. Whatever happens with registration, it’s important to make sure that you try and avoid as much stress as you can while preparing for and registering for classes. It’ll make the process go a lot more smoothly. Here are some tips and tricks on how to avoid the stress.

  • Make a plan. You can make a plan of the classes you want to register for before you register. That way, all the classes can just be uploaded and registered at once. You won’t need to find each class separately when you go to register.

  • Make two more plans (at least). Sometimes, the classes you have in your first plan won’t work. They may have filled up before you were able to register, or there may be a prerequisite that you missed. Having more backup plans - will allow you to be prepared in case something goes wrong.

  • Make sure to check the requirements for each class. Check to see if there’s a prerequisite for the class you want to register for, or if you need to be a certain major to sign up for a class. This will save a lot of frustration for when you try to register, and you can’t sign up for the class.

  • Take advantage of the help offered during registration. RAs in the residence halls will usually hold an event in the mornings for registration, so they can try to help anyone who needs it. This is great for freshmen, but this is also great for upperclassmen as well. Things can always come up later that you didn’t have to deal with freshmen year. You can ask your RAs beforehand if they will be holding an event.

  • Check the enrollment as registration goes on. If you’re an underclassman, you probably need to wait longer than upperclassman to register. This means that for the most part, it can be a bit harder for you to register. Sometimes classes will have only a certain number of spaces for upperclassmen so that way underclassmen can still register, but make sure to check during registration so you’ll know if it’s filled before you try and register.

  • Make sure you know the number of spots that are in a class. To go along with the previous tip, when there are only a certain number of spots open for upperclassmen, it’ll say something like “12 out of 12 seats full.” Check before registration opens so you know how many seats are available. If there were 30 seats before registration started, you then know that they’re saving seats for underclassmen, and you can still register. It can be a little bit confusing.

  • Set multiple alarms before registration. Registration is either at 7 or 7:30AM. It can be very easy to sleep through it, especially if you’re not used to getting up early. People sleep through registration by accident every year. Don’t let it be you.

  • Make sure your laptop is charged and updated. Nothing would be worse than it either dying or trying to update when you need to register.

  • Take a deep breath. It’s okay! You’re prepared and you’ve done all you can do.

  • If you couldn’t get into a class, there is still time! Registration will reopen a couple of more times either before next semester, or right at the beginning of it. A lot of people will drop classes, and you may be able to get one you weren’t able to at first. You can also go to a professor about overriding into a class. They may not allow you to until the first week of classes, but you can always try. You can also now sign up for a waiting list that will notify you when someone has dropped the class. You will then have a certain amount of time to register when no one else can, as you are the next in line. The waiting list is very helpful. Please use it.

Yes, registration is a very stressful time, but that is okay! There are steps you can take to prepare, and even if you can’t get into a certain class, it will still be okay. You can talk to a professor about overriding into a class, possibly taking a directed study or there may even be another class that’ll fill your requirement that you didn’t previously know about. No matter what happens, everything will be okay. Good luck!


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