Thanksgiving & reflections

Thanksgiving: a time to express gratitude and appreciation. Every family observes this holiday differently. The common traditions include eating foods that are pumpkin-based, along with a nice, juicy turkey. This time represents an opportunity and a reminder to be thankful and express appreciation to loved ones and various existing support systems. 

Each family has experienced a lot of emotions in the last two years especially because of the pandemic. Around this time last year, some families may not have congregated together to feast, and this may be their first time in the same room with extended family in two years. Every family has dealt with their own different, personal circumstances. 

In light of recent times, one custom I will present this year at Thanksgiving, that I hope continues annually, is to have each attendee express: what they feel grateful for, what their favorite and least favorite parts have been about the year so far, and how they hope to keep growing by the same time next year. 

A conversation such as that one encourages family and friends to reflect and be present among others, while acknowledging their own diligence and goals. 

I am sure there will be common themes, such as feeling grateful to be with family or to hug family, in addition to working towards more self-growth, such as meditating or listening to podcasts. 

So, what are you thankful for in this upcoming holiday season? What do you think you did well this year versus what you could have maybe done better? 


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