Earth Day celebrations on campus come together for the Sustainability Union Takeover

Geneseo students campus-wide were treated last week to event after event in celebration of Earth Day on Apr. 22. First, on Apr. 17, Green Environmental Org (GEO) hosted Earth Fest on the Union patio, which featured not only catering from Cosmic Charlie’s Cafe and tabling from a number of student eco-friendly organizations, but sets from a number of Geneseo’s acapella performers. Then, on Apr. 19, an Open Compost Run was hosted in the eGarden, where any student could participate in the weekly compost pick-up. 

As exciting as these events were, it was just a prelude to the Union Takeover that happened on Apr. 20. Any student entering the Union between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. would be greeted by a complete overhaul of the interior. Genny Thrift, the on-campus sustainability-focused thrift store, was offering a large selection of items in their pop-up store in CUPS. The lobby was filled with student organizations committed to keeping sustainability at the heart of Geneseo’s mission. Outside, an open-to-all-students plant show took place.

As a cherry on top, Apr. 21 saw not only a Design Challenge Workshop and free lunch in the eGarden, but a discussion panel about the evolution of compost in Newton.

Sparrow Potter, senior English major and former member of Emmelodics, spoke on the performance at Earth Fest, saying, “Performing was so much fun! It definitely drew a lot of awareness; some people that were just walking by stopped to listen and see what was going on. It was a very happy atmosphere. It’s important to recognize that a cause like sustainability can be fun and engaging. Even though rain started halfway through, everyone moved inside with no issue!”

This acts as a testament not only to the campus’ perseverance in the face of upstate-NY weather, but also to the welcoming tone of the students when it comes to events aimed at positive change. While acapella may not appear to have a direct connection to sustainability, the ability to raise awareness through fun and artistic modes shows our school’s ability to keep its head up in times of adversity.

During the Union Takeover, a rally for climate change took place outside, wherein a number of students gathered to demand positive sustainable change, both in general and here on campus. Carly Burgio, senior English and education major, who attended not only the Takeover but the rally as well, noted, “It’s a really special feeling when so many organizations, and people on campus in general, come together for such an important reason. It was clear that all of the student-led clubs put so much time and energy into all of the events that happened throughout the week, and it certainly paid off. We owe it to the planet—and to ourselves—to work towards meaningful change and raise awareness for the Earth. Having this event was a great way to do that, and I commend everyone who spent hours planning and coordinating to make it a success.”

To keep up with more sustainability-focused events, be sure to follow @geneseosustainability on Instagram.


Geneseo Goes to Town


G-spot: Kink 101 part 4: Impact play