Study Abroad, Club, and Community Fair

Photo courtesy of Knight’s Life Editor, Regan Russell

The Macvittie Union ballroom and surrounding areas were full of tables being run by Geneseo students, faculty, and Geneseo community members.

On Monday, Feb. 3, 2024, Geneseo hosted their annual Study Abroad, Club, and Community Fair in the Macvittie Union from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. Most tables for this event were set up inside the Ballroom, with a handful extending out to the Union’s lobby area to show Geneseo students how many opportunities are available on and around campus and how to access these resources. This especially applies to the Study Abroad programs offered to students.

This fair is set to correlate with one of the many Geneseo emails you have likely received recently about the Study Abroad application process. Study Abroad programs for Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 have opened for all students, and this fair helps to inform students of the different options offered by the people helping to run these programs. 

There is a common misconception that studying abroad is only for specific majors and that there are not enough options for students. While Geneseo does provide many opportunities for students, the State University at New York system provides even more.

Due to Geneseo being part of the SUNY system, students can apply for programs held at different schools through this larger network. Alongside this, there are countless scholarships available through the Geneseo website. This process may seem intimidating, but the Study Abroad office is more than willing to help by scheduling an appointment to speak with one of their professionals.

For those curious about the Study Abroad process, the website features a “Frequently Asked Questions” section with the most common questions asked. These opportunities may not be as common after graduation, so it is important to take advantage of them now. 

Alongside multiple Study Abroad tables, there was a fascinating mix of tables located at the fair, promoting different resources, businesses, and opportunities at the college and in the surrounding areas. One was the Teresa House table, an organization located directly in Geneseo. 

The Teresa House is an organization that provides end-of-life care to terminally ill patients and comfort for their families. The organization is always looking for new volunteers to provide a wide variety of services. 

Another voluntary organization featured at the fair was Tree Creations in Geneseo. A unique treehouse experience that has become a favorite volunteer location for many students independently and through school organizations. 

When there is pleasant weather, Tree Creations is free for kids and adults alike. Because there is no admission fee, they rely on volunteers to help upkeep and build the treehouses. 

Volunteering for local organizations like these is an amazing opportunity for Geneseo students and is a direct way to give back to the community. Many students will spend four years in the Geneseo community but never make meaningful connections with the community; it is truly a missed opportunity. 

Alongside these organizations, there are countless other ways to give back to the Geneseo and other local communities. If you want to learn more about these volunteer opportunities, there is a club on campus just for that! 

The Geneseo Rotaract Club is dedicated to providing volunteer opportunities for Geneseo students. They have done countless different activities over the years and are always open to exploring new volunteer opportunities. 

You can find more information about them on the Geneseo website or contact them at


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