Invasion of Privacy: Joe Ferrero

Photo courtesy of Joe Ferrero

For those who have never heard of Tree Creations before, you are truly in for a treat. Tree Creations is a place right here in Geneseo where you can go and have an experience unlike any other. 

Geneseo alumni Joe Ferrero is the mastermind behind Tree Creation, along with his daughter and his wife Heather. When asked how this project was born, Joe said “[My kids] were four when they first asked for a tree house after watching an episode of Phineas and Ferb. I had the unique opportunity to be home while my kids were little and when they asked for a [tree] house, I got started.” 

From there, the treehouses have increased in number, size, and creativity—there is, for example, a real car up in the trees. The treehouses are open to the public, for free, for people of all ages. Joe said that “the youngest person walking on their own [in the tree house] has been eleven months old, going across the rope bridge. And the oldest has been 99 years old.” Joe expressed his desire for people of all ages to enjoy his creations by saying “Not everybody had either the means or the trees or the time to have a tree house. But I know every kid always dreams of one.” 

During a typical year, the treehouses are open during certain months when the trees are in full bloom. But this year is different, Joe explained: “This year is a little different because of the solar eclipse that is happening. We are trying to have everything set to open earlier, in time for the eclipse.” Many tourists from out of town will be traveling to Livingston County for the eclipse, so Joe has decided to open early to allow all of these people to enjoy the unique (and free) experience that comes with his treehouses. 

Many Geneseo students have had the privilege of meeting Joe through volunteering. Joe welcomes volunteer groups of all sizes and all skill levels. When asked about any intern opportunities Joe said “We do have internships available for two, three, or four credits. We work with Rob DiCarlo on campus as well as other department heads to try to tailor an internship position for the individual that is looking for it.” 

The most important thing to Joe while hosting volunteers is that everyone has fun and learns something new, saying “We try to provide education beyond the formal education. So if you want to work with something like wood, we have opportunities like that, or metal [working] and learning how to weld, we [also] have opportunities like that.” 

Every Geneseo student who has been lucky enough to cross paths with Joe will remember the life lessons that he taught them while they learned how to use power drills and saws, but he has one important piece of advice he would like to share. 

His short piece of advice was “Life is short, you need to enjoy it. Do not put it off.” After this piece of advice, Joe went on to explain that “people aren’t going to remember me after I’m gone. But what is a legacy? What are people going to remember? I think being able to provide something like this for the community… I want other people to enjoy it while you can. Because tomorrow is not promised.” 

If you are interested in visiting the treehouses, volunteering for Joe, discussing an internship, or just looking for an insightful person to talk to, Joe encourages you to reach out to him via text or call at the number (585)-733-7448. I strongly encourage any of these options, as Tree Creations truly holds once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.


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