Silly snow activities for this winter

While the inevitable snow on the way may strike fear into some hearts, it brings about endless opportunities for fun that cannot be found anywhere else. This winter, instead of staying inside and missing the winter wonderland outside, try out some of these silly snow activities with friends and make memories that will last a lifetime. 

Some of these activities may require supplies or multiple people, but making a snow angel does not require anything! It may be fun for a group of friends to see who can make the best angel, or the fastest angel, but making one on your own is a great way to unleash your inner child and admire the winter wonderland around you. 

If you are looking to get some energy out after being stuck inside studying, having a snowball fight is the perfect excuse to run around and release some energy. Gather a couple of friends, or maybe even strangers, and see who can escape the most flying snowballs, or who can make the most perfect snowball. If partaking in an intense snowball fight, be sure to be mindful of the people or things around you, especially on campus. 

Once there is a decent amount of snow on the ground, about a foot, it is the perfect time to make a snowman. There is no need for fancy supplies, the snowman will appreciate any decorations you add. A classic option is to grab a couple of rocks to use for eyes, buttons, ears, mouths, or anything else that you can think of! 

A fun off-campus activity to take part in is sledding! Whether waiting until winter break to use a hill back home or finding a public place that allows sledding, it is a great way to let go of some stress and have some good laughs. An expensive sled is not needed to have a great time sledding! Any sled, no matter the price, will get the job done. While waiting for snow to hit the ground check your local thrift stores, like Goodwill, for a sled at a low price. 

A great winter activity that often gets overlooked is hiking. Hiking is a great summer activity, but with the proper preparations, hiking in the winter can be just as fun. Before heading off for a hike be sure to research and make sure the trail you are hiking is still open and safe for the public. 

Even when going on a short hike, you must wear the proper clothing and footwear to avoid any mishaps or potential problems. Snow often completely changes scenery outdoors, even transforming places to look entirely different. A fun comparison can be made if you take the same hike in the summer and winter, and then compare pictures of both. 

With any activity this winter, especially in the snow, be sure to always take the proper safety precautions, especially in your clothing choices. If you are cold wear a coat, hat, scarf, gloves, earmuffs, snow boots, and anything else to keep warm! Though winter is still on its way, we’re sure to enjoy our first snow very soon!

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