Paint for peace

Pictured: Madolley Donzo, sophomore, Psychology and English major; Brittanya Gaynor, freshman, Biology major; Sabine Francis, sophomore, Business Administration major

When living in a world of constant conflict, it is important to take the time to inform ourselves on current events, as well as to relax. The GLK’s Peace Action Painting for Peace event this past Thursday, Feb. 24, created the perfect opportunity for people to join together and discuss world problems, or anything really, and paint the stress away. 

The tables were set up with the basic paint colors and water to rinse your brushes. You could go up to the main table and create a palette of exciting colors, pick your brushes and decide if you wanted to paint a cute pot, a tote bag, or both. The event was super successful, with all the tables full at 6:13 P.M., 13 minutes after it began! 

Being in central New York, we are far away from some of the biggest problems people in our world are facing, but this doesn’t mean we can’t or shouldn’t talk about them. We need to keep these conversations going to educate ourselves on these issues and learn what we can do to help those in need. 

I was able to talk to the president of Peace Action, Jess Rivera, a senior majoring in sustainability studies, about the event. We discussed the importance of staying up-to-date and educated on global events, and specifically discussed the conflicts in Ukraine. Even though we are 4,803 miles from Ukraine, we are not entirely shielded from the effects of this conflict. 

The Peace Action team provided a “creative and conversational space, open to express the idea of peace and what you think is right and to express yourself,” Jess said. I believe that the event did just that—it was beautifully organized, and provided a safe space to discuss ideas. 

In the conversation with Jess, the theme of “the change starts with you” was truly highlighted—they wanted to emphasize the importance of getting involved, whether it be with Peace Action itself or with other organizations on campus. We need to keep the conversations going. 

The Peace Action group meets on Thursdays at 7 P.M. in Bailey 246. If you are interested, you can find out more information on their Instagram @peaceactiongeneseo

Geneseo Peace Action’s goal is to “educate, inform and enact change on campus.” Their core principles “align with limiting armed conflict, military recruitment and providing support for refugee aid through community education and fundraising.” They had open positions for secretary, Geneseo voter coalition representative and outreach coordinator as of Feb. 24—if you are interested, join their email list or reach out via Instagram. 

The Painting for Peace event was a great success, so be sure to look out for more events in the future. They are a great place to discuss, meet new people and destress. I am excited to see what they have planned for the future and I hope to see you there.


Invasion of Privacy: Sarah Sharples


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