Invasion of Privacy: Student photographer Joshua Taylor

Photo courtesy of Lamron Photo Editor FP Zatlukal

Joshua Taylor is a senior sociology major and Rochester native who has begun work in photography in recent years. He will be graduating from Geneseo in May, but in the meantime, has left his mark on campus with a photography exhibition.

Taylor was approached in early September by the Office of Student and Campus Life about showcasing some of his work in the newly renovated Ballroom Lounge in the MacVittie College Union. This past weekend, on Mar. 1, 2024, the exhibit opened, and a reception was held to allow friends and family to view and celebrate Taylor’s art.

Taylor selected 13 photos to be displayed in the lounge, titled and stylized as “blue skies & horses,” “beach birds,” “summer evening,” “beauty beyond branches,” “kodak neighborhood skyline,” “webster pier,” “kodak city,” “cola @ liberty pole,” “skyline through the trees,” “sand pov,” “views by the dock,” “marble skyline,” and “rocks on the lakeside.”

Photography did not become Taylor’s main hobby until a few years ago in 2022, when he started uploading his pictures to X. “The main reason I started posting was simply so I did not have to scroll through my camera roll for ages trying to find the pictures I like.” Taylor explains, “To my surprise, my platform gained popularity within my city and led to me being showcased in numerous galleries in Rochester.”

When asked how he got into photography, Taylor explained that he credits his early childhood, at around ten years old. He stated, “This was right before the major popularization of social media and smartphones, so my early photography was me photographing various trips and experiences on my Nintendo DSi and a little Kodak camera I won in a school fundraiser.”Taylor was not influenced by anything specific that put him on this path but continues to find more inspiration to continue every day. “I wasn’t inspired by anyone to start taking pictures, but the countless photographers and artists I’ve met throughout my photography journey continue to inspire me to keep taking pictures and finding new ways to showcase the world through my lens,” said Taylor. 

When asked if there was anyone he was thankful to for helping him through his photography journey, Taylor named fellow artists Richard Colón and Quajay Donnell. “They took a chance on me at the start of 2023 and asked me to be a participant in the gallery they created.” Taylor went on to explain “This was my first ever gallery to showcase my work and since then things have been going up for me in the photography world.” Colón and Donnell are the curators of the Behind the Glass Art Gallery in downtown Rochester which focuses on upcoming or underrepresented local artists. Taylor was one of the gallery’s featured artists in February and expressed nothing but appreciation for Colón and Donnell, stating “I have nothing but gratitude for the opportunity they have given me, and the jumpstart they’ve given my photography career.”

More of Taylor’s photography can be found on Instagram and X @FlowerCityFlix, as well as his website,


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