Geneseo Pride teaches students about sexual health through jeopardy

This past Thursday, Feb. 29, Geneseo Pride Alliance and Voices for Planned Parenthood at Geneseo (VOX) came together to host an inclusive sex education Jeopardy event in the Macvittie College Union Hunt Room. Pride Alliance Co-President, and senior anthropology student, Grace Pearse explained the incentive behind the event, stating “The presentation was informative and dealt with the history of Sex Ed. in America and topics like sexuality and gender, and the trivia game afterward was fun and engaging… I think the event went really well!” 

Geneseo Pride Alliance and VOX were able to work together to educate both groups on sexual health in a fun and interactive way. When asked about the incentive for students to come to the event, Pearse explained, “The prizes included some sex toys and other prizes like accessories and movie posters, so there was something for everyone!” 

Pearse went on to state “We [Geneseo’s Pride Alliance] love collaborating with VOX because our two clubs have the same goals when it comes to empowering people and educating [them] about different identities.” If you didn't get the chance to attend this event—have no fear! According to the leaders of Geneseo Pride Alliance, they plan several other well-known Geneseo events such as Second Chance Prom, Drag Ball, "LGBT? Fine By Me" panel discussions, speakers for National Coming Out Day, and Pride Night throughout the academic year. 

VOX’s weekly general meetings focus on topics regarding reproductive justice such as sex education around the country, the history of Planned Parenthood, and different methods of birth control. They also hold the Sexy Egg Hunt, an annual inclusive sister event to sex education Jeopardy. The Sexy Egg Hunt event is another space for students to learn about safe sex practices surrounding sex toys and students have the opportunity to “win prizes related to sexual health and pleasure,” according to VOX

Other events put on by the Geneseo Pride Alliance organization include “The Vagina Monologues,” which was put on in Mar. 2020, and several fundraisers for the local Rochester Planned Parenthood. Through inclusive campus events such as these, Pride works toward its organization’s goal of, “making the campus a better and more informed environment so all students can call Geneseo their home.” The group works together with students and staff to make the campus a safe space for queer people and their allies to discuss LGBTQIA+ issues.

Although this club’s inclusive sex education Jeopardy game was not part of Geneseo’s curriculum, and instead an extracurricular activity, it still proved useful in teaching students about sex education. One participant stated they had learned, “about the lack of sexual education in the United States schools…that only thirty-eight states require [sexual education] to be learned in schools.” According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, (NCSL), thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia mandate sex education and/or HIV education. Furthermore, only twenty-eight states and DC mandate both of those curriculums. Startlingly, only eighteen states require program content to be medically accurate, according to Planned Parenthood

While the American public school system fails to address these topics around the country, groups like Geneseo Pride Alliance and VOX are making sure no student has to be left uneducated.

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Invasion of Privacy: Student photographer Joshua Taylor


Invasion of Privacy: Communication Department Chair Andrew Herman