Dealing with Fatigue and Burnout

It’s week six into the semester, and you’re feeling gross and burnt out, right? Relatable! It’s time to: get off of Yik-Yak, get off of Snapchat and stop ditching your classes. This is a wonderful opportunity to start embracing hot-girl autumn! Whip out the flannels, the Timberlands and the fuzzy socks and let’s get out of this slump. 


Where do I start? 

Starting is definitely the most challenging part; it requires too much effort. All you want to do is just stay under your warm blankets, but you need to resist the urge. Get up after your first alarm and get moving. No matter what time you wake up, whether it is just a few minutes before your first class or an even hour before, stretch. Touch your toes, swing your arms around and get the blood flowing. If you find yourself hitting the “Snooze” button, consider moving your phone somewhere at a distance from you.   

How do you integrate this productive mentality into your day?  

Now you are in class, yawning and thinking about the comfort of your bed and simply not focusing on the lecture material. Ground yourself, take deep breaths and look at the room around you. You’re sitting in class, paying money to be in this challenging course and it’s only going to help you in your future occupation. Get back on track. 

Do daily affirmations:

  1. I’m grateful for this beautiful day.

  2. I appreciate all the wonderful things this day brings me. 

  3. I’m thankful for everything I have. 

  4. I’m grateful for my journey and growth, thus far. 

Allow yourself to live more mindfully and this will change your mentality. Your days will look brighter! 

What should I eat? 

Staying healthy and eating a nutritious meal throughout your day helps you stay on your feet. If you consume a high protein meal/snack daily, your body will be thankful. Eating balanced meals will help with the functioning of your brain, your concentration, how you react under stress and your mental state. Stay on top of your hydration game. Drink water, and more water. Yes, coffee is made with water, but your body needs plain water every hour or so. Don’t forget to take care of yourself when you feel gross. 

What should I consider doing in my downtime? 

This all depends on who you are as a person and what your interests are. What works for one person might not work for another. Maybe consider walking on campus or on Main Street; wear your Airpods or ask a friend to go with you. Think or talk about life, or maybe just decompress. Maybe you’d prefer to hit the gym and lift weights. Or, maybe the most ideal downtime activity is coloring in a book. Be kind to yourself. 

Remember that what you’re feeling is just temporary. The only person to pull you out of a rut is yourself. You have the power to do anything you put your mind to.​​ The only person stopping you is yourself. You’re in college and you’re young! Your opportunities are endless. Stay strong and stay motivated; you can do it. 


Invasion of Privacy: Jeremy Sauer


Invasion of Privacy: Dom Petrucci