Sustainability Union Takeover: Growing a greener Geneseo

On Friday Oct. 28, Geneseo organizations and subcommittees focused on campus sustainability hosted a “takeover” in the MacVittie College Union and College Union Programming Space (CUPS) from 11 a.m .– 3 p.m. Among the organizations that participated in the event were Food Security Advocates, Geneseo Environmental Organization (GEO), and Genny Thrift, which hosted a sale throughout the takeover.

The takeover was intended to spread awareness about organizations that try to bring a more sustainable lens to the processes of Geneseo, as well as to offer more direct opportunities for students to get involved with sustainability on campus. Each organization that participated in the event had a table in the Union where students could learn more about the initiatives of each organization, as well as sign up for email lists, follow social media accounts, and learn more about the meeting times and volunteer opportunities that each organization hosted. As if this weren’t enough, many organizations additionally offered goodies and products that encourage individual sustainability among students—GEO provided free succulents for interested students, and the student-run Compost Crew encouraged students to grab a compost bucket for their dorm room right from their table.

Senior sustainability studies and women and gender studies double major Yaro Bautista Martinez, a member of the Compost Team, elaborated on the contributions that the team has made to campus and their willingness to collaborate with students and new members to expand the impact of compost and other more renewable implementations on campus.

“The Compost Team is always glad to engage with students and teach them more about compost,” he said. “We plan on having a presence in all food-related events, so make sure to reach out.” 

As a recently established major, the sustainability Union takeover also helped increase awareness of the academic opportunities that students have for studying and working on sustainability projects on campus. “Sustainability is the fastest growing major on campus and there’s a lot of momentum in the Office of Sustainability,” said junior sustainability studies and psychology double major Lauren Verde, who works on the Geneseo Thrift team, Geneseo’s on-campus thrift store. “It was awesome for all the subcommittees to get the chance to show off all the great things they’re doing on campus, and it was a super fun day!”

This sentiment of effective awareness and resources for sustainability studies and the clubs and subcommittees that support their ideals was echoed and clearly felt throughout the Union on Friday. It was heartwarming to see plants and compost bins in the hands and arms of many students walking around campus, as well as to see the buzz of excitement circulating the Union as students spoke to different representatives and discovered more about sustainability at Geneseo. These efforts to create a healthier and greener environment are quickly spreading at Geneseo and will likely only continue to enhance a more educated and supportable campus community in the years to come.

For more information about sustainability at Geneseo, check out the Sustainability at Geneseo page on the Geneseo website.


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