Postcards: Preserving the past and looking ahead

Photo of Postcards via Nicholas Deya

Over the centuries and even decades, much has changed in the world, ranging from the way people think to how national identities have shifted entirely. While various means have been used to preserve historical records, it is through postcards that so much of this change has been documented. I started collecting postcards because I thought it was cool to have old pieces of history, and since they didn’t cost a lot, I was able to find hundreds online. While the hobby of collecting these notes written on thick pieces of paper goes back over a century, it is still a relevant passion for many today.

While the reasoning as to why one chooses to begin the hobby ranges, one of the most apparent is the relative lack of financial investment needed to take part in it. Seeing as postcards are simply pieces of cardstock, the cost to purchase one is not typically high; they can be found anywhere from garage sales to online auctions. Unlike other hobbies, the only cost to begin is simply the initial purchase of the postcard itself, with no additional purchases necessary, with the exception of perhaps a book to catalog them in. While prices can elevate quickly depending on the rarity of the card, many can be purchased for under a dollar.

History is something that interests many, and postcards are the perfect way to have a tangible piece of the past. There are some postcards that date back to the latter portion of the 19th century, and plenty from the early 20th century. While some are not dated, many are with the thoughts of people who lived during some of the most pivotal moments in world history such as World War I or the Great Depression. 

It is fascinating to hold a piece of paper that someone else was staring at a century ago and see it through a modern perspective when so much has changed since then. Postcards can allow a person who is interested in the past to understand how an entire region or city has changed over time, which can be a fascinating process; there are often locations within a city captured on a postcard that no longer stand, or have been completely reconstructed to the point that they may appear unrecognizable today.  

If you are not interested in historical postcards, collecting modern postcards can be a way to display the locations you have visited. Obtaining postcards from various locations across the country, or even the world, can be a cheap yet memorable way to capture the memories of a trip.   There are also some people who collect specific types of postcards, like those with a dog on it, those depicting National Parks, or maybe ones featuring a particular city. With so many potential categories to choose from, it makes sense to have somewhat of a theme or categorization to start a collection. 

While the thought of collecting old paper may not be the most appealing idea in the world to some, postcards are some of the most collectible items on the market and are a great way to remember the past and look to the future. 


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