Why you need to watch Wendigoon

Isaiah Nichols, also known as Wendigoon, is an up-and-coming YouTuber with over 3.21 million subscribers and more than 370 million views, well-known for his conspiracy iceberg videos and various “deep-dives” into random topics. This YouTuber has put countless hours of both time and dedication into his craft, creating some of the most original and engaging videos I have ever seen! As evidenced by the title of this article, there are so many things to love about this versatile content creator—whether it be his icebergs or one-off deep dives into an obscure topic—and I am here to tell you exactly why you need to binge-watch his entire catalog. 

Firstly, let’s touch on his background. Wendigoon started creating videos around the start of the pandemic, when many, if not all, of us were stuck at home, forced into the confines of solitude. His first video, as available right now, came out on Sept. 5, 2020, titled “THE GUNTUBER TIER LIST,” and though that title may sound distasteful, his commentary makes the video worthwhile—even for someone who is opposed to guns like myself; this video is not indicative of the rest of the library and, frankly, is a glorified one-off. I promise the rest of his extensive library will make you a regular viewer!

After his first video, Wendigoon began creating videos in the same vein, releasing videos like “Playing Black Ops 1 in 2020” and “Watching the best, worst movie of all time” with minimal success. It wasn’t until he published “The TRUE horror of Local 58” that his views began to increase dramatically, growing from 25k views to over 1 million seemingly overnight! After the success of this video, he began covering topics that he enjoyed, stemming anywhere from a movie review of The Lighthouse (2019) to obscure content like “I proved the JFK Conspiracy with a Whiteboard,” which have to be some of the most intriguing videos to me, not only because of the random nature of them, but the innate passion brought by Nichols—unlike some professors‚ makes me invested, wanting to learn more. 

If any of these videos sound interesting to you, I highly suggest going to his channel and checking them out, alongside many of the early videos I didn’t mention. However, I am mainly writing this article because of four videos he has produced that stand out to me as the most: Three of these being breakdowns of Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy—split into Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, respectively—alongside a breakdown of John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Now, for those who know me, these titles alone are enough to get me—hook, line, and sinker. These videos contain enough substance to fill an entire day, bringing an authentic passion for the works, which you rarely find anywhere else, and I couldn’t be happier about it! 

Everything put out by Wendigoon radiates comfort and care, even when dealing with grotesque concepts created in analog horror technology such as in his YouTube horror series focusing on such technology from the 80s. Through his charismatic commentary, a monstrous game series like Faith: The Unholy Trilogy, or an interview with the FBI agent who brought down Ted Kazinskyi become approachable as well as informative and unsettling.  Everything this man puts out turns into something engaging and worth rewatching—something you rarely see with content creators of any genre, proving why he stands above the rest. 

I want to make one thing clear: Everything he has put out has been watched by me at least five times. This is not just because I enjoy the videos, but because of the numerous topics available which allows one to get well-versed on various pieces of media without having to sit down and dedicate hours to critically engaging them all separately. 

With that being said, this YouTuber has become a comfort content creator for me, creating topics that instantly take my mind off the stress of the day and transport me to a place without those same factors. So, it is my honor to pass this creator, that is so near and dear to my heart, off to all of you. 

You can watch Wendigoon and his entire catalog on YouTube, alongside his second channel, Wendigang, where he posts live streams and interviews with other content creators! He has over 100 hours worth of content ready to be watched at this very moment, so I suggest, if this is at all intriguing to you, that you go to his channel and begin your binge now! His catalog will only grow, and though that may sound ominous, I promise you it is just the opposite. Wendigoon is a wholesome and fun content creator whose narrative voice is very strong. I highly suggest you check him out immediately!


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