The idiot’s guide to the apocalypse: Four horsemen-death

In many myths and legends, Death, one of the four horsemen, rides upon a pale horse—sometimes he is depicted with a white stone ring which brings chaos to the population. There are many possibilities in how Death can decimate the world’s populations effortlessly as they are said to feed off their trait; here’s how you can try to survive.

  1. Find somewhere where natural disasters or mass atrocities are less common; many times, Death is depicted using earthquakes, flooding, and other weather-related items to commit many deaths in a short amount of time.

  2. Avoid the horse. In some myths, the horse took and held the souls of the slain people that Death had killed in various ways. It is not Prince Charming’s horse; it is the literal horse of Death. Don’t touch the Equus caballus—it’s likely to take your soul after stomping you to death and then just having fun stomping on you, even after your soul is gone.

  3. The books of redeeming death within various genres are not possible. It was created to kill and only kill; he is not going to fall in love. Just don’t try it.

  4. Death has three brothers. Where one is likely to exist, the others are sure to follow as they can create a catastrophe in various ways: for example, War causes Death, Famine feeds Death, Pestilence feeds Death, Famine comes from Pestilence, and so on. 

  5. Stay hidden: do not draw attention to yourself, or the people you are with. They can find you, but you have a better chance of hiding than being in plain sight. 

  6. If you can help it, stay with a low number of people—Death tends to find larger groups easier to eradicate than singular or double groups. You can have companions, but no more than two or three per group.

  7. In Supernatural, the CW TV show, the Winchester Brothers defeat all four horsemen by taking their rings, sometimes chopping off the fingers of the horsemen… just remember that is more likely to anger Death into torturing you to death rather than just killing you outright.

  8. Unless you are immortal, Death will affect you. So, if you are hiding out and cannot die like ever, help your fellow homosapiens because their lives depend on it (and in a few ways, yours might too, depending on your loneliness in the future).

  9. Find something to amuse you because time will be long if you manage to survive the catastrophes.

  10. Wear comfortable shoes and be dressed for the seasons. If you must live in this world, might as well attempt to do it comfortably.

There are many rules that will likely overlap between the four horsemen; however, death is the result of the others, therefore he might not be the scariest out of them.


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