Self care during finals: Effective ways to take care of yourself

Is there a better time to remind everyone of the power of self care than finals season? While we are ushered into the most dreaded time of the semester, when your mind is practically combusting at the thought of all the assignments to complete before winter break, we are here to remind you to take a moment for yourself. With winter holidays right around the corner, this should be a time of celebration, community, and excitement—not existential dread. We know you’re stressed, because we are too. For this reason, the Opinion team at The Lamron will provide you with the best ways to keep yourself in mind while we hit the home stretch.

One of the best, and maybe the most overlooked, forms of self care is taking a day off. I know, unheard of, right? The hard truth is, though, that the more you grind and weigh yourself down with all the goings-on, the more burnt out you will begin to feel. This will then impact the quality of your future work, which at this stage should rather be the beautiful culmination of all the skills and information you have picked up along the semester. Get done what you need to get done, but don’t neglect the power of a day (or even a few hours) off. Rest! Put your feet up and get your favorite blanket on. Sometimes just watching a movie or spending time with your favorite people is enough to reset your whole semester.

My personal favorite form of self care is getting a little treat! Sure, it might sound silly or trivial, but if a coffee or snack is what you need to get through the day, don’t be afraid to indulge. You’ve been working hard since the start of the semester, so don’t fizzle out now! A sweet treat or warm beverage might be just what you need to push through finals week. Don’t disregard the power of a little treat until you try it! Homework and papers are always easier for me to get through with a coffee to comfort me while I complete my work.

Another underrated classic is the power of journaling. I personally used to think to myself, “who has the time in their day to sit down and write about their day the thoughts they had during it?” That is, until I got some very nice notebooks and pens during this semester that encouraged me to try it out for a change. I would have to say that past me was definitely being too much of a hater (but what is new?) and now I am fully on the journal-train. It is really nice to have a set spot where you can unload all the successes, small joys, internal monologues, failures, and learning experiences of a day. I have found it to be a bit of a “reset” for me to actually be able to distance myself from the day as I take my hour before bed to write away and get me all prepared to tackle whatever comes at me next. 

Lastly, never underestimate the healing powers of a good, long shower or bath. Often when I am feeling my most unproductive or just generally meh I will hop in the shower and when I get out, I feel like I can take on the world. I feel it is sort of similar to journaling, where it is an almost pseudo-reset, and the feeling of being all clean and steamed up just aids in making me feel restful and at peace. This is an especially powerful strategy if it is coupled by donning your favorite loungewear to sport around for the rest of the day’s adventures and obligations. 

We are wishing you luck and strength as you power through these last final days. Just keep in mind the break is not far and creeping ever closer—we will make it!

Thumbnail Photo courtesy of Pexels


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