Thanksgiving break is the best break

There are several breaks between fall and spring, each with varying time lengths. While each provides different aspects to appreciate, Thanksgiving break is the best of them. While not the longest, and not necessarily occurring during the best weather, it nevertheless provides plenty worth enjoying. 

The timing of Thanksgiving break is filled with much to take pleasure in. While fall break occurs when the weather seems to be at its best, with the cool fall temperatures just arriving, it feels too soon in the semester for a break. My view may be based exclusively on personal experience and my specific classes, but a month into the new semester seems too soon for a break as the real grind of work has not yet arrived. The desire for time to relax has not yet fully hit, so the break is not as appreciated. 

By the time Thanksgiving break rolls around, the real workload has arrived and the time for relaxation has become fully necessary. At this point in the semester, there has been enough time for freshmen to make new friends and for upperclassmen to be able to revisit old friends—it is by this point that hopefully, each student has felt a sense of belonging and they have found their click of friends, so an extended time away will not disrupt any on-campus dynamics. 

As it appears for many Americans, Thanksgiving is just the chain to get officially to the Christmas season. This break, therefore, gives many people time to prepare for the future and begin the process of gift shopping or decorating their homes. It seems there is nothing better than having something to look forward to, and with Thanksgiving being its own event to cherish, it also symbolizes the beginning of the best time of year. 

The time length of the break also feels perfect. While not just four days like in the fall, and over a month like during winter, the five days seem like a comfortable length to appreciate a break from school and spend time at home. By beginning on a Wednesday, and not ending on it, there is no odd day for returning back to class, unlike fall break which ends in the middle of the week. 

Regardless of the other benefits of the break, the holiday of Thanksgiving itself is also worth appreciating in its own right. For most, the best aspect of the holiday is the food; rightfully so because typically there is a wide range of options. And if you’re not craving the food, Thanksgiving always comes with football so, at the very least, there is something to watch on TV. 

When applied collectively, Thanksgiving break is the best of the break periods, and it is worth looking forward to each year. For a break that occurs within only a few weeks before the holiday season, it sure comes with plenty of its own benefits. With our Thanksgiving break only a few weeks away, I am ready to take in its many benefits. 


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