The afternoon is the worst time of day

There are certain portions of the 24-hour day that are undoubtedly better than others. While it can range hour by hour, when thought about collectively the early afternoon is definitely the least pleasurable. Where the morning provides a fresh start to the day, and the night hours are filled with winding down time for the day, the afternoon is consistently filled with exhaustion. 

In the early afternoon, especially on weekdays whether you’re a student or working full-time, there is still plenty of time until you’re able to go home for the day. When you look up at a clock only to see it is noon or 1 p.m. and there is still plenty of work to accomplish, it’s a real spirit breaker. It often feels like you’ve been at work for hours, and yet there is also a hopeless amount of time until you can call it a day. 

On the weekends when you may be freer of work commitments, the early afternoon provides the least amount of excitement. Many events typically occur during the early morning or later hours of the day. The most prominent sporting events, such as the Superbowl or World Series, occur at the later hours of the day, creating more content and entertainment for that portion of the day. When there is an award show such as the Oscars or Emmys, they all consistently occur at night. With events such as these occurring at night, it gives a person something to look forward to all day as well.

During the summer months, the early afternoon provides some of the most brutal heat of the day. Where the morning has cooler temperatures, the sweltering summer sun thrives in the afternoon. As the day grows closer to an end, the heat eventually minimizes once again to a comfortable breezy air. It is with this afternoon heat that many can also grow exhausted and drained for the rest of the day with the only comfort being the thought of the hours passing to allow for less blazing sun.   

During the midafternoon people have to eat. Assuming you didn’t bring your own lunch, everyone is going to the same place as you. Whether you are off to a dining hall or a drive-thru, there is going to be a line. Plus, if you have a limited time to eat because you need to get to another class or get back to your job, you can’t afford to wait for an exceptional amount of time. 

It seems no matter the context, the afternoon is just typically filled with the most stress of the day. While there may be some who enjoy it, many can vouch for enjoying alternative portions of the day, as there is so much more to enjoy.


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