The Lamron must do better

via pexels- edited by Assistant Photo Editor Mollie Wadhams

To quote Bernie Sanders in 2016, “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!” Well, I have to make one small change to this: The students of Geneseo are sick and tired of reading your damn food articles!

Since the fall semester of 2021, quite a stir has been made with some evocative articles all revolving around food, the first being an opinion piece claiming that soup was a beverage with the disturbing photo of soup in a drinking glass; the second claiming that stew was a soup (it’s not by the way—it’s stew—hence the different name); and the third being that salad was soup.

This, in addition to my two articles on the ongoing tragedy that is dining on campus in the era of CAS “improvements,” paired with the regular “Frugal Foodie” section in Knights’ Life, has left the humble readers of The Lamron bombarded with content about food that leaves their taste buds overstimulated and their minds wondering why they had to waste their time reading that article. 

You would think it would stop there, but no—what was the front-page headline about in The Normal? Food. Open up the paper and what did you find more references to? Food. Why is food so inescapable for the The Lamron’s writers and editors? I truly ask: What makes it so compelling a topic that we must be bombarded with it every few weeks for over a semester?

The problem with these articles is not only that they have no basis in fact and no logical human being would or could believe them, but that someone had to actually think of the idea and then spend, say, 20 minutes or so, expressing that idea in 500 words or more. Those same articles have to go through the purposely thorough editing process The Lamron has in place, with very competent people at the helm—and, yet, they still make it into the printed paper.

So, I urge The Lamron to do better, and to please stop printing these horrendous words strung together on paper, for all of our sakes. It is too much for any mind to take. Now, I realize and fully acknowledge that I have played a large role in this as more than half of the articles I have written, including this one, have been on the topic of food; but, where I digress is that mine have been on a topic relating to student interest and intrigue: meal plans.

The opinion section, and really the newspaper as a whole, is a place to express one’s beliefs, not to toy with the emotions of unsuspecting and emotionally fragile college students just looking for a break from life or something to cry into whilst sitting alone at midnight listening to the ten-minute version of “All Too Well.”

The Lamron needs to do better for all the students of Geneseo. We go through so much in this day and age, and we just want a little break for our collective reality. So next year, let’s take a little break from food and focus on what really matters: can we get rid of daylight savings already?


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