SUNY Geneseo: A senior’s perspective

As a graduating senior, my time at SUNY Geneseo has provided me with countless moments that I will forever remember, stemming from my first week of orientation, right up into these last few concluding weeks. While there are no doubt areas to be improved upon around campus, and regardless of the criticisms that may be received, I feel there is plenty worth appreciating in and around campus. 

While it may come off as cliché, many of the people I’ve met have made much of the difference for me in enjoying my time here. Ranging from friends or professors to the general atmosphere of the campus, much of what I will look back on fondly has been the friendly approach that this campus has provided. Even if unknown by name, there is something worth appreciating by seeing familiar faces across campus, whether it’s somebody from class, or maybe someone from the dining hall; having a relatively small campus feel allows for a more connected feeling.  

Along with the other points of emphasis, what initially drew me to this small Livingston County town, was the beauty of the region. It was only on a drive, passing by campus, that I was later able to decide this was the institution I wanted to attend. As someone who enjoys hills and mountains, the view across the valley of those rolling hills initially caught my attention. Looking back at some of my first days on campus, walking down the hill between Newton hall and north side, I remember how ecstatic I felt to have the opportunity to have such an amazing view on a daily basis.

Along with the natural beauty, the architectural design of both the campus, as well as Main St., and its surroundings is something that I feel wins over so many people. The vintage feel to Main Street, and its small businesses, is something that has people consistently lingering its half-mile stretch. With shops ranging from an antique shop, to music stores, to even a 7/11 gas station at the end, the abundance of options compacted into such as a small distance makes for an easy walk for any student living on campus, or within a short distance.   

I have also enjoyed the one of a kind events and opportunities that I have been able to attend. In the Fall of 2021, I attended a Buffalo Sabres game for $5 through the ticket office, then the following spring I paid the same amount for a Syracuse Orange basketball game. This past Fall I was supposed to attend a Buffalo Bills game for only $15, though due to weather conditions, it was canceled. Regardless though, the range of potential events to attend for exceptionally low prices has provided me with some memories that truly will last a lifetime. 

While this may come off as a marketing campaign, my genuineness in appreciating my time at SUNY Geneseo is something that I feel honestly about. Even as a transfer student, I have been able to feel fully integrated into campus life, and that is why I will remember my time here so fondly.


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