Staff Ed: Love advice from The Lamron

Love is one of the most mysterious concepts in our lives. Thankfully, The Lamron e-board knows a thing or two about love. Here is some of our best advice.

“If they make you uncomfortable, it’s not love.”

“Set boundaries with your partner to ensure you are both getting what you want out of the relationship.”

“We all have different languages that we use to indicate love; whether by food, by gifts, or by quality time, either way, take the chance at showing it (I recommend giving them an orange).”

“The harder you try NOT to fall in love with them, the harder you fall in love with them.”

“It is hard not to measure your self-worth in terms of romantic love, but not having a romantic relationship does not mean you are unloved. It is okay to crave romantic love, but don’t forget all of the other forms of love (from friends, family, yourself, etc.) that surround you.”

“Remember love is not controlling! At the end of the day, you should be making the choices for your life and your future!”

“Being in love romantically should not be hard—this person should feel like your best friend. They should be there for you to support you and your life choices, not to make things harder or more anxiety-inducing. Love is living your life with someone you can live without but choose not to.” 

“All relationships are partnerships; you need to work well as a team.”

“Never go to bed angry. Cliche, but it is the truth.”

“While there can be many similarities in different partners, it’s best not to compare your current relationship to a past one.  Understand that you are loving an individual who may grow and change as your relationship goes on and support each other while you’re becoming who you are.”

“Don’t allow your past relationships to be the reason you sabotage your future ones.”

“0/10. Don’t recommend.” 

“It’s okay to not be in a relationship. Taking time to learn about yourself is just as important as learning about others.”

“Let yourself be a little fun and silly sometimes. Flirt, have crushes, smooch around a little—or don’t do any of those things! Life is too short to let the little things get the best of you.”

“The world will tell you your partner should be your other half, but it’s impossible to love fully without being whole first.”

Love will forever be the unsolved mystery of life, but maybe with some of this advice you can put the pieces together.

Thumbnail photo via Pexels

The Lamron

Web editor for The Lamron, SUNY Geneseo's student newspaper since 1922.


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