Spring break is the third best break

As an outgoing senior, it seems odd to be on the verge of my last break at Geneseo, though the realization is bound to hit soon enough. Spring break starts today, and with it comes one last extended period to enjoy some time away from classes before the conclusion of the semester.

Spring break is my third favorite break, behind Thanksgiving and winter breaks, though that is not to say that I don’t enjoy it. This break, like the season of spring in general, comes with plenty of excitement as it marks the end of winter and the return to decent weather. Assuming you’re not traveling out of state to a warmer climate during this break, the weather is on the uprise and allows you to walk outside without the hassle of potentially having to dig yourself out of your house with a shovel.

What I especially enjoy about this break is its timing—I believe there is enough distance between winter break and the last day of classes to fully appreciate its function. It seems that the closer the last day of classes becomes, the more I want to enjoy each day here without an extended time away that removes me from campus, and the timing of this break allows for just that. If this break occurred just a few weeks ago, I feel the freshness of the winter break would prevent me from fully appreciating it.

Spring break has a time frame that is just right, similar to Thanksgiving break. To have the entire work week is perfect, as it does not require a person to depart their house during an awkward time and return to classes in the middle of the week. This can be especially helpful to a person who does not own a car and would need to coordinate a ride back. 

While not exclusively within its design, spring break appears to be the break in which most people travel. While it may stem from the improving weather, it seems when someone has something to look forward to, as opposed to just knowing they will be lounging around their house for a week, it can add some excitement to the time off. 

Although stated previously, it seems it should be reemphasized that this break can be especially meaningful to seniors, as it is the last period prior to commencement for them to have a time away from classes. It’s a bittersweet break because it allows for some honest reflection to appreciate the remaining time at SUNY Geneseo, though I also look forward to the future post-graduation. While it’s not as if any person will spend the entire nine days of break consciously thinking about their experience here, it’s when that occasional thought pops into one’s head that a person may crack a smile reflecting on their time at Geneseo.

Thumbnail photo via Pexels


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