Beyblades are back and better than ever

Spinning tops are one of the oldest and most recognizable toys ever created, with many variations still being produced today. The 2010s, though, produced an iconic type of spinning top where the focus wasn’t only about seeing how long the toy could spin. These tops came in different varieties, all focused on beating others out, like in many other battle-based games. These tops also featured different parts, which allowed players to customize their tops in a way that would highlight their best attributes. Some of these toys specialized in striking an opposing top, while others were well-rounded with strong attacks, solid defense, and high endurance, allowing them to take on any opponent. These toy tops were called Beyblades, and they are coming back this year better than ever.

Beyblades were first released in Japan in July 1999, developed by toy company Takara. After merging with another toy company, Tomy, in 2006, Takara Tomy has continued to develop Beyblades since. Based on the toy “Battling Tops,” Beyblades are a modernized version of the beigoma, which were spinning tops created in seventeenth century Japan, with which players would wrap a cotton cord around the base and launch them into an arena to knock out their opponent. Beyblades, on the other hand, have dedicated launchers to spin them into arenas. To promote the original sale of Beyblades, a manga entitled Explosive Shoot Beyblade, and an anime under the same name were released alongside the toy line in the early 2000s.

Beyblades are manufactured and released by different companies for different regions; Takara Tomy for Eastern countries, Sonokong in South Korea, and lastly, Hasbro for Western countries, with localization of the amine for promotion. There are also currently four iterations of the anime; the original series, Metal Fight: Beyblade, Beyblade Burst, and Beyblade X—released in Japan by Takara Tomy on July 15, 2023.

Hasbro announced on “Beyblade Day” (Mar. 21), that Beyblade X products, along with the English version of the anime, will be releasing in the West this summer. Beyblade X isn’t just a new iteration of the toy line, as Takara Tomy is hoping for Beyblade to become part of an official sports competition called “Gear Sports.” According to Takara Tomy, Gear Sports is defined as, “a competition that requires players to improve their skills, such as by practicing shooting and acquiring knowledge of customizations and reconfigurations using gear with meticulous setup possibilities.” Beyblade X is an attempt to evolve these battle-spinning tops from simple children's toys to a worldwide competition that children and adults will both enjoy.

Beyblade X was released around the 25th anniversary of the franchise, and, as a result, the new tops were designed to feature elements from previous iterations. This includes the fun customization and battles of the first generation, the metal contact from the second (Metal Fight), and the burst gimmick from the third (Beyblade Burst). In addition, Beyblade X introduces its own unique gimmick, the “Xtreme Dash.” The new “Xtreme Stadium” features an accelerator rail, and—thanks to the gear system on the tops—can achieve high speed in battle. As someone who has been a fan of Beyblade since its second iteration, I can easily see how Beyblade X will feature the most intense matches and fastest tops yet. 

I’m glad to say that the most recent iteration of Beyblade provides something for both old and new Beyblade fans. The high-speed chaotic battles provide fresh, worthwhile entertainment, and the customization aspect of the tops brings a unique and strategic element that isn’t featured in most spinning top toys. With the announcement that Beyblade will become a sport thanks to Takara Tomy, the game's competitive aspect has reached a new level. 

While it is easy to achieve high-speed movement with Beyblade X, it is difficult to master, and I believe attempting to reach that sweet spot is something anyone will enjoy. Whether you are someone new to the franchise or a Beyblade veteran, Beyblade X will provide enjoyment for all. I highly recommend getting into it once the toys are released this summer! To learn more about the fourth iteration of Beyblade, feel free to subscribe to my Youtube channel, “The Beyblade Man!”

Thumbnail photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


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