Morning is the best part of the day

With only 24 hours in the day, there are plenty of ways to spend the waking hours. Some stay up late, with the intention to wake up late. For others, they may choose to accomplish homework at the latest hours of the night, so long as it is complete before the submission time. However, no matter the activity, the morning is always the best time of the day. 

With early morning in particular, there is typically little human activity, especially in the form of traffic, no matter the location. Instead of the loud sound of cars zooming by when walking on the sidewalk, one can hear the sounds of birds singing. While the traffic eventually arrives at rush hour, the lack of vehicles on the road makes for a more relaxing early morning.   

Depending on the season, mornings are often filled with the best weather of the day. In the summer, daytime temperatures can well exceed ninety degrees, though if out early enough there may be a comfortable breeze, with the temperature barely exceeding the seventies. The dew on the grass is typically a good indicator that the temperature has not grown too excessively warm yet. 

While weekdays are typically few peoples’ favorite part of the week, the morning, at the very least, provides a time to get work done and out of the way. It is never ideal having a chore hanging over you, and the early hours of the day provide a time for productivity and makes for less stress later on. 

The early hours of the day typically come with alone time. Since social gatherings usually occur later in the day, it is the morning that provides time to enjoy a quieter atmosphere whether at home or out and about. Even phone notifications appear less, which can be a real benefit. 

The sunset is no doubt a beautiful sight, though the sunrise is just as attractive, if not more so. While they may appear identical, other than the obvious direction the sun is going, in the case of the sunrise there is the understanding that there is to be more sun for the rest of the day, as opposed to its disappearing face at sunset. This is especially true in the winter when sunshine is already so limited. 

The morning, to some people, may be nothing more than a time that they have to roll out of bed, which is a valid point; but the mornings can be one of the most valuable parts of a day. There is much to appreciate about the early hours of the day.


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