Idiot’s Guide to the Apocalypse: Four Horseman-War

We have survived maneaters, zombies, and three of the four Horsemen; however, today we will address the most dangerous and most chaotic brother—War. This might be another sadistic brother to avoid. He absolutely loves creating chaos and making you doubt yourself, others, and all previous beliefs about fighting. Here are some tips on how to confront him.

  1. Be alone. War will use his abilities in order to exploit your greatest fears and kick in your fight-or-flight in order to do it. If he wants you to see your sibling going to throw a punch with an evil look, you will.

  2. You might be the calmest person on earth, but even you will have thoughts of murderous rage. You can think about someone who had wronged you in the past, and that can trigger you to an extreme level.

  3. Anything you have ever argued about or disagreed with can cause you to kill someone. If you tend to argue with someone often, it is best at this point to be alone, one or both of you can die as a result.

  4. Be prepared for anything—at this point in the apocalypse, you will feel as if it is killed or be killed. After all, you have endured this far; this is the ending, and how it goes is up to you. 

  5. Avoid the cults; that should be self-explanatory, but in every apocalypse movie the main character ends up joining that cult for “safety,” and most end up being killed in the end because of it.

  6. Know the triggers. Know when you are about to go Hulk, whether it is due to sadness or trauma. Figuring out those triggers can make a difference. If you can attempt to diffuse those feelings, maybe you can survive.

  7. Pestilence and Famine have already hit, so make sure you have a clean water supply. The use of nuclear or resource warfare is not unlikely for the final cusp of the apocalypse of the four brothers.

  8. Watch what you wear—you can attract people if you stand out. So, your fluorescent green jacket is a big no; the less you get noticed, the better chance you have.

  9. Get an animal companion. Animals make everything better, obviously. Just make sure it’s easily portable should you need to run.

  10.  The military is not your friend—they are locked and loaded more than you ever could be.

If you have made it this far, kudos to you; if you haven’t, then you didn’t follow the rules.


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