Fourth best break

With several breaks over the course of the academic year, there are a select few times wherein a student is able to enjoy time away from the hustle and bustle of classes. While all breaks serve a beneficial purpose, summer break is the fourth best, following Thanksgiving, winter, and spring.

Summer is by far the longest of the breaks, stemming from late May to late August. During that time the weather is arguably the best, with fall break perhaps being the only opposing contender; during a break this can make all the difference in the options available of what to do, assuming that person lives in Western New York. Many recreational sites aren’t even open during other breaks, as the weather is not yet warm enough, though summer temperatures allow you to make the most of the three-month period away from classes. This can range from amusement parks, to beaches, to outdoor concerts. This variety of activities allows for a student to typically not fear any boredom during summer break. With this extended time away from school, a person has the chance to go on a vacation, free of the worry of having to set aside time to complete schoolwork.   

Summer break also gives students the chance to pursue a variety of opportunities that are not always available during other breaks, such as the ability to engage in a full-time internship or maybe just a job that allows them to have longer working hours. By focusing strictly on an alternative opportunity, a student has the capability to make the most of it, as there are fewer distractions when the additional workload of classes has been minimized.  

In the case a student decides to pursue summer classes, these are most often offered online, eliminating the hassle of traveling to campus. While in person classes are beneficial, in a summer context there is something amazing about having the opportunity to complete a course while sitting in the sun on a summer day. Additionally, students many times only take a couple classes, which is far less grueling than the typical full-time schedule. 

While summer break for a college student looks much different than for a high school student and below, one aspect that remains consistent is the excitement that comes with it. While there are still likely more responsibilities that come during this time of your life, nevertheless there is still something worth appreciating about having a few less things to do each day. 

The last few weeks of the break can be the best, as many recreational locations cater to students with back to school discounts, something no other break offers. Collectively summer break definitely serves a purpose, allowing for a student to truly take some time to clear their mind of an otherwise busy semester. While there is no doubt it is a long one, there is much to appreciate during its duration.

Thumbnail Photo via Pexels


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