MacBooks are awful

I hate MacBooks.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love Apple products, and would much rather have an Apple computer that could connect to the Apple Watch, iPhone, and iPad that I already own, as I truly envy everyone that can text in classes through their laptops! However, there are too many deterrents that make texting inconspicuously the only good thing about MacBooks. My main reasons for this opinion are as follows: the high price point of a MacBook and that Apple has yet to create one that meets my needs and wants.  

First, they are way overpriced! It is unbelievable how much MacBooks cost, and you might get a “free” pair of air pods with your purchase, but there is no way that any college student would not go into debt from buying a $1,000 or more laptop. Imagine if you broke it after your Apple Care was up or you did not pay for protection—yikes! I understand that it is a name brand, but the Apple company started in a garage for goodness sake. Is the world only about making money now? The answer is yes, of course, and we all have fallen victim to paying for the name instead of quality at some point in our lives. 

Second, there are no touch screens available. I find this to be the worst thing about MacBooks and essentially the reason I did not go into debt buying one. For something so expensive, there is no reason why these computers lack a touchscreen aspect. I feel that a lot of us got used to Chromebooks in middle and high school, and I must ask you all that have switched over, how did you do it? I thrive on being able to touch my screen and when using my friends’ MacBooks, I struggle to adjust. 

That brings me to my third point—MacBooks work so differently from HP laptops. From the software to the setup of the keyboard, everything feels different, and I always struggle to use them. Did you know that SUNY Geneseo favors MacBooks? The Resident’s Life professionals are given MacBook laptops, and we even have colorful Mac computers in our Lamron office! My mind is baffled by the fact that these computers have trouble connecting to Geneseo printers or Wi-Fi, yet the school is still pushing the overpriced computer. Is it a case of needing a name brand to make them seem more professional? 

Overall, MacBooks are just awful. I have heard of so many issues that owners then must contact Apple about, and there is a huge learning curve when it comes to using a MacBook for the first month or so. This is all on top of the fact that MacBooks do not have a touchscreen version. That fact hurts my heart a little, and if I could write a letter to the company I would. We keep getting new phones, but please, Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, let’s create a computer with a touchscreen.


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