Hunger continues to grow in Gaza

Since the Israel-Hamas war began on Oct. 3, 2023, one in four people are now starving in Gaza. Even before the war commenced, more than half a million people in Gaza were facing hunger as simple groceries like flour cost upwards of $200. As a result, it has become public knowledge that families are struggling, such as the ones in Gaza who were grinding hay and animal food as a substitute for flour because of the lack of resources due to war. Yet, since the war has continued, animal food and hay have gotten increasingly more expensive, thus, making it difficult for families to receive or create any flour at all. The problem of being unable to prepare or obtain any food source may spiral into severe cases and heightened commonality of malnutrition. 

The World Food Program or "WFP" is the leading humanitarian organization in charge of delivering food to communities in emergencies. Recently, the WFP has come out with a statement that says that the entire population of Gaza, 2.2 million people, is facing crucially low levels of food. Currently, WFP is working to provide people and their families with food and water as much as possible. Since nine out of ten people have been eating less than one meal per day since December, it has become increasingly difficult for corporations like WFP to gain and distribute assistance to the numerous citizens of Gaza in need. Not only could the abundance of Gazans needing assistance be a problem, but only 20% of what aid corporations like WFP are attempting to provide is being permitted over the border and into Gaza. 

Due to the extreme and unusual speed at which malnutrition has impacted the people of Gaza, many nutritional experts have spoken about the future consequences of malnourishment. For one, children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with prior medical conditions are the first ones to be severely affected by the consequences of malnutrition. Some experts have said that it may only take a matter of days for those specific groups of people to be critically and life-threateningly affected by starvation. 

Not only will the lack of nutrition continue to be a problem, but people who are malnourished are more likely to become ill because of their weakened immune systems. Diseases have become much more prominent because of the living situations that the people of Gaza have been in since the war began. It has been reported that 90% of people are taking shelter in temporary tents and structures without bathrooms or washing facilities. The combination of no healthcare services, food, clean water, or adequate shelter is the leading cause of illness in Gaza. 

Attempts are continuing to be made to ease the lives of Gazans by corporations such as the World Food Program. Donating or spreading accurate information is one of the focal points in which people can give and share their support for the people in Gaza. To donate to the World Food Program or learn more about how to help, go to


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The importance of sustainability