Professor Kodjo Adabra and students hold celebratory book signing event

On Wednesday, Feb. 22, Associate Professor Kodjo Adabra of the French Department held a book-signing event for his new memoir, The Power of an Untamed Mindset. The event was not merely a book signing; rather, it was a celebration of the collective human experience and the lasting impact of the relationships that are fostered here at Geneseo. 

In preparation for the event, Adabra worked closely with seven students—of whom he aptly referred to as “The Seven” —to create an immersive experience for all in attendance. Adabra explained that these students served as representatives of the student experience and as a reminder that the purpose of holding the book signing went far beyond him and his own accomplishments. 

“A few years from now, [I hope that] ‘The Seven’ will still be proud of being part of this—not part of ‘Kodjo’s’ event, but part of our event; our event as human beings,” Adabra said. 

Senior English and adolescent education major Francheska Colon was one of The Seven, as well as the emcee of the event. Her energy and positivity shone as she helped Adabra move through the event, and it was clear how excited she was to be a part of the book signing.

“When Professor Adabra asked me to be the emcee of the event, I was pretty surprised but also super honored,” said Colon. “Being able to emcee this event, which truly highlighted Professor Adabra’s resilience and identity, is one of my favorite memories at Geneseo.”

As a part of cultivating the energy of celebration, the event featured music and even dancing performed by Adabra himself. When he was introduced, Adabra came on to the stage with surprising yet impressive dance moves. Audience members cheered him on as he showcased talents that many of his colleagues and students would never know about otherwise. 

Some students, however, were not so shocked to see Adabra dancing. Senior French major McKenzie Flynn noted how his enthusiasm for dancing is often translated in his passionate teaching: “It was in true Dr. Adabra fashion to begin his book signing with a dance, considering he starts every French class with a song,” Flynn said. “I was happy to see him be excited about sharing his book and his thoughts with his colleagues, students, and the public.”

After demonstrating his moves—and joking that his colleagues would need to step up their game for any of their future book signings—Adabra gave thanks to everyone in the room for being part of this special moment and introduced The Seven as part of his team. The group, all dressed in white, then moved into formation and came together to listen along and sing to Rihanna’s “Lift Me Up” in a moment of unity and empowerment.

The event then transitioned into a focus on the book itself as excerpts of Adabra’s book were read by members of the audience. Four students, two professors, and one administrator each read an excerpt from a chapter of the memoir, which served as a testament to Adabra’s incredible life journey leading up to that very moment. His anecdotes and meditations featured in each of the excerpts gave more insight not only into Adabra as a person, but as an enlightened thinker. 

Following the readings, Adabra opened the audience to a Q&A, in which he reflected on how he was able to develop his mindset in the face of adversity. With each question that Adabra received, the audience was able to receive even more insight and honesty from the author. It made for an even more moving experience as the campus community got to hear from him directly. 

Overall, the book signing event was a smashing success, and it will certainly be remembered by all in attendance for years to come—particularly for The Seven. 

Senior international relations major Lia Wortsman echoed the sentiments of the whole group when she explained what this event with Adabra meant to her.

“After having gotten to know Dr. Adabra over the past 4 years, I think one of the things I love most about him is his ability to mix playfulness with intentionality and meaning. In my experience he’s been a very unique professor and mentor to his students, in that he has found a way to connect with his students on a level beyond simply mentor and mentee,” said Wortsman. “He has such a playful soul, and somehow always manages to very intentionally and naturally infuse his interactions with others not only with meaningful conversation and connection, but also [with] fun and affection. Despite this… whatever he does always has a purpose beyond simply having fun. For me, this was very clear in the way in which he organized the event.” 

Adabra and The Seven will continue to serve as an emblem of the value and dedication of the Geneseo campus community, and a representation of how empowered one can become if they go through life with the knowledge that we are all connected in an inherent celebration of the human race.


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