Geneseo’s a cappella groups deliver (pitch) perfect mid-semester concert

On Sunday, Mar. 5, Geneseo’s five a cappella groups performed for their first major concert of the spring semester. The two-hour concert featured a setlist of energetic hits and ballads alike, and many of the groups featured “Senior Song” performances which were the highlight of the night. 

At the beginning of the concert, many students in the audience felt an intense wave of nostalgia, as the Hips ’n Harmony group kicked off the night with their own rendition of the “Price Tag” medley from the 2012 movie Pitch Perfect. Not only did they sing the classic finale, but they also incorporated the Barden Bellas’ choreography to go with the mashup. 

Senior Spanish major Liz O’Connell was the mastermind behind the group’s performance of this medley.

“I suggested that Hips ’n Harmony perform the Pitch Perfect song because it’s such an iconic number that I knew we would have so much fun with. After learning the music, we began to learn the choreography and spent several hours during rehearsal time trying to replicate the original performance to our best ability,” O’Connell said. “There were some bumps in the road and we had limited space on stage, but we were super proud of how it turned out and the audience seemed to love it. I think that this number was a great way for us to bond as a group because we spent so much time together throughout the process and had a blast performing it at the concert.”

After this exciting opening, which cultivated an exciting energy in Wadsworth Auditorium, the night followed in typical Geneseo a cappella style: each of the groups took turns showcasing their talent and demonstrating the hard work that they put into each rehearsal leading up to the concert. 

One particular feature of the night that shone through was the performance of several senior solos. These songs are meant to celebrate graduating seniors who have dedicated their time and energy to singing with their respective ensembles and to commemorate their time at Geneseo with a song of their choice. 

Senior physics and adolescent education major Nicole Lallier was among the seniors who performed her solo at the concert. Lallier, who is a member of Exit 8, chose to perform a fun and powerful arrangement of “Goon Squad” by Ripe.

“Singing with my group for my last concert season is unimaginable, but I’ve seen Exit 8 grow into such a beautiful group and I’m happy to have grown alongside them,” said Lallier. 

Another sentimental element of these solos are the speeches that another member of the group gives before the seniors perform. Each speech is a testament to bonds that are formed within the groups. 

Between the Lines (BTL) had two senior soloists in their lineup for this concert. Senior French major McKenzie Flynn and senior English and adolescent education major Julia Yakowyna are not only members of the same a cappella group but roommates and inseparable best friends. They each performed solos and were able to give a speech about one another in recognition of their unbreakable bond both inside and outside of a cappella. 

“Singing my senior song with BTL was some of the most fun I’ve had with the group,” Flynn said. “I loved writing Julia’s speech and honestly her song was my favorite out of all the ones we performed. I’m going to miss BTL the most out of everything I’ve ever done in college and I’ll never forget the friendships I’ve made.”

Yakowyna echoed similar sentiments regarding both her own performance and her opportunity to give a speech dedicated to Flynn: “I chose to create a mashup of ‘Slipping Through My Fingers’ and ‘Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)’ because they are two of my absolute favorite ABBA songs. ‘Slipping Through My Fingers’ always reminds me of watching Mama Mia with my mom, and ‘Gimme! Gimme!’ always reminds me of dancing with my friends. I have very fond memories associated with them both,” Yakowyna said. 

Yakowyna continued, “Giving McKenzie her speech was definitely my favorite moment of the night. Being able to honor my best friend in front of our friends and family was so wonderful, and watching her show off her talent [singing ‘Orange Show Speedway’ by Lizzy McAlpine] was so amazing. I’m very lucky to have her as my best friend.”

The concert was certainly a success—an emotional yet exciting moment for singers and audience members alike. As the groups continue to work towards their final concerts for the semester, it is clear that whatever each group has in store is certainly something that the Geneseo community will not want to miss.


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