A glance at the remaining events this semester

As the Spring 2023 semester comes to a close, it is important to keep an eye out for any of the remaining events SUNY Geneseo has to offer before we all head home for the summer. Here is a list of what events to look out for, and when and where they will take place. 

First up is the many music events Geneseo will be hosting over the next two weeks. These events range from student recitals to orchestral performances. The first event to look out for is the Geneseo Symphony Orchestra & Festival Singers Concert on Sunday, May 7, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Wadsworth Auditorium. If classical music isn’t your thing, then try checking out the Geneseo Jazz Ensemble Concert on Tuesday, May 9, from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., also in the Wadsworth Auditorium. Both concerts are expected to be a lot of fun and are a great way to enjoy the incredible talents of the musicians here at Geneseo. 

If you’re looking for a true relaxer to de-stress during finals, try going to the Midday Mindful Yoga class on Friday afternoon. According to the Geneseo Events page, “This drop-in class takes place every Friday, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. in the Schrader Dance Studio (above [the University Police Department]). It is open to ALL members of the SUNY Geneseo community, including students, faculty, and staff. We practice together to cultivate community, to support a sense of belonging, and to promote healthy well-being.” Grab a friend and use these free classes as a way to release any tension caused by finals week. 

For my art enthusiasts and history buffs, the 2023 Art History Symposium is the event for you. The symposium will take place on Friday, April 28, from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Doty room 302E. There will be five student presentations, all presenting on a plethora of different topics such as Surrealist artist Francis Bacon, the Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch, Judith Beheading Holofernes by Caravagio, British shock artist Damien Hirst, and a case study of crime in the art world. There will also be a keynote presentation by Dr. Michaël J. Amy, an art historian, critic, lecturer, curator, and professor at Rochester Institute of Technology. His presentation will be on Cimabue’s Altarpiece of the Crucifixion in the Upper Church of San Francesco at Assisi.

The final event I will be recommending is the Theater and Dance department’s production of the play When We Were Young And Unafraid, originally written by playwright Sarah Threem. According to Dramatics, the play takes place “In the early 1970s, before Roe v. Wade, before the Violence Against Women Act, Agnes has turned her quiet bed and breakfast into one of the few spots where victims of domestic violence can seek refuge.” There are three performances of this play running from May 3 to May 5. Each performance will be from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. in Robert Sinclair Theater in Brodie 245.

With the Spring 2023 semester coming to an end, make sure to come to one of these many wonderful events and show support to the students who are working hard to put them on. For more information on any of the following events, make sure to check out the SUNY Geneseo events calendar.

Thumbnail Photo of Geneseo students in When We Were Young and Unafraid via Hannarose Manning


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