New things to try on campus

Joining a club on campus is one of the easiest ways to meet new people and even develop new friendships in college. Many of the clubs at Geneseo have no requirements to join, and just showing up to a meeting is enough! Geneseo offers a variety of clubs on campus that adhere to a multitude of common interests among students. 

For any students interested in publication, The Lamron is a great place to start. Weekly meetings take place on Thursdays at 5 p.m. and attendance is not required every week. Geneseo has many other student-run publications, as well including Iris Magazine, Her Campus, and Recess Magazine

Alongside publication clubs, Geneseo has options for those solely interested in writing, and not publishing works. The Creative Writing club on campus meets weekly on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Welles Hall. The club is open to anyone regardless of their writing experience, and being an English major is not a requirement either. The club works together to workshop fellow members' work and presents members with new writing prompts. 

Geneseo has many clubs that are curated specifically for students of certain majors. This presents yet another opportunity when joining— the ability to meet new people within your major. Knowing a variety of people within your major can be helpful when planning what classes to take, and a variety of other things such as finding study partners. 

Club sports are very prominent on campus and are great for those looking to try something new or to play their favorite high school sport again. Learning new skills, staying in shape, and establishing a weekly schedule are all potential benefits of joining a club sport. The options are endless, from rugby to ultimate frisbee, there is something for everyone.

Many clubs at Geneseo require low commitment, as they have weekly or bi-weekly meetings that are not mandatory. A prime example of this is the book club on campus, the Spinebreakers. Meetings take place every other Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Bailey Hall, and even those who have not read the book are welcome to attend. 

Geneseo is home to several clubs that fall under the category of sustainability, a popular interest among students. One of these is Plastic Free Zone, an activist group dedicated to the removal of single-use plastics. They have held countless events in the past such as Orchard Street clean-ups, picket picnics, and a can and bottle drive on campus.  

Some of these events have taken place in collaboration with other clubs on campus, giving students who attend the chance to experience other clubs and their atmosphere without even joining. Often, when clubs host events all are welcome to attend, not just previously established members.

Attending a club’s event is a great way to experience new things without having the time commitment of joining a new club. The weekly emails sent to students outlining upcoming events on campus often feature events being hosted by clubs. Be sure to keep your eye out for these events and do not be scared to try something out of your comfort zone!

Thumbnail Photo courtesy of SUNY Geneseo’s website


Spring ‘24 Bid Day


Invasion of Privacy: Anthropology Chair Dr. Paul Pacheco