The 2023 FUSE Literary Conference is coming to SUNY Geneseo

The 2023 Forum for Undergraduate Student Editors (FUSE) Conference is being hosted by SUNY Geneseo and taking place from Nov. 2 to Nov. 4. The event will focus on the growth of literary journals (the title of the conference being “Literary Publishing in 2023: Where Are We Going, Where Have We Been?”) and hopes to explore how literary journals are adapting, changing, and struggling currently, and how they will evolve in the future. The FUSE website proposes the following questions; “How has the conversation changed, expanded, or diversified since the first literary journals were published? How has the changing world impacted the conversation? What will this conversation sound/look/feel like tomorrow?”

You’re probably thinking; why should I care about a literary magazine conference? Literary magazines are a crucial part of the livelihoods of up-and-coming writers. These magazines create an outlet for writers to submit pieces and get their work published. SUNY Geneseo Professor of English and creative writing Rachel Hall, who is helping organize the conference this year, said that “the FUSE conference is an opportunity to learn more about publishing and editing—on college publications and beyond. Because we'll have student editors visiting from other schools, students will also get to hear about other literary journals and how these student editors work. It's a great networking opportunity and a chance to get more involved with local and national publications.”

The conference will have several student-led panel discussions, such as a panel hosted by Iris Magazine and Recess Magazine, two of Geneseo’s student-run literary magazines, as well as panels run by students and editors around the country. Iris Magazine and Recess Magazine will discuss the process of creating a magazine, and the struggles the two organizations have dealt with in trying to keep consistent engagement with their student body. 

Students from the Gandy Dancer production class are also hosting a panel discussion on censorship within the literary community. Managing editors Lily Gourley and Jess Marinaro as well as production assistant Sara Wilkins presentation titled “What the Fuck is Up With C*nsorship?” will cover questions like “How has the relationship between censorship and publishing changed in the 21st century? Has this change been beneficial to authors and readers alike? What boundaries are lit journals pushing now?” When asked what she was excited about during the FUSE conference, Wilkins said “I'm really excited to talk about the topic of censorship as the topic is very controversial, especially in an age of ‘cancel culture.’ From this, we will also be talking about what boundaries current literary journals are pushing. I am very fascinated about the lengths literary journals go to differentiate themselves as an individual and can't wait to share our findings.”

Panels are not the only events that will take place during the conference. Professor Hall notes that “In addition to student-run panels and the keynote address by Becky Tuch of LitMag News, we have a number of fun events planned including an open mic, and bookmaking and letterpress workshops taught by Flower City Arts. Students learn a lot about publishing and get their hands dirty too!” Keynote speaker Becky Tuch is a fiction and nonfiction writer, based in Pennsylvania. The keynote presentation will take place Nov. 2, at 7:30 p.m. 

Registration for the conference is free for SUNY Geneseo students. If you’re interested in attending, you can register online with this Google Form. The conference is free for SUNY Geneseo students, and a great way to get involved with the amazing world that is the literary community.


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