Aquarius season: Flowing with your intellectual passions

This February, you may find yourself yearning for compassion and connection. You may wake up with a kindness and sensitivity that you have not experienced in some time, or have never experienced before. You may feel inspired to create or make space for future progress in a new and inventive way.

While each of these features could be attributed to the snips of warmth and blue skies that we’ve had the pleasure of experiencing recently, there could be a greater astrological reason as well.

Aquarius season is broadly characterized by the strengths that most Aquarians embody, from compassion and hope to rebellion and longevity. Aquarians are, without a doubt, some of my favorite people to date—our late January-early February babies are known for being especially unique with an air of humility and acceptance, emanating an almost regal presence while maintaining an authentic and eccentric identity. Some well-known Aquarians include Elijah Wood, Megan Thee Stallion, Remi Wolf and the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Yoda.

Each of these icons is known for accomplishing incredible feats of wisdom and creativity, and this season of Aquarius encourages you to do the same. Capitalizing on this time to redefine your vision and desires in regard to your goals, views and identity will be especially productive during this time, allowing you the grace and patience to approach authenticity and self-compassion with a much more open heart.

As an air sign, Aquarians are known for being focused on issues of the mind. Aquarius season is the time to follow whatever academic passions or general interests may be arising for you right now—go talk to a friend or professor about a subject that’s piquing your interest, scrounge around the library for a new field guide, or get sucked into a new documentary or podcast.

While Aquarians embody all of the traditional ideals and traits of an air sign, most people are surprised that the root word “aqua” does not mean that Aquarius in a water sign. That being said, there is some correlation between water and air that bears important ramifications for this sign—Aquarians have been seen as healers and bestowers of life, acting as the guiding force between water and land. This interaction explains one of the biggest strengths of Aquarians—their enormous capacity for humanitarianism and generosity for others.

As so eloquently phrased by my favorite Aquarius, senior psychology major Taylor Presutti, “Being an Aquarius is very cool and fun… I think a lot of Aquarians are good at going with the flow and being balancing presences, while also being passionate and knowing when to stand up for themselves.”

Because of their idealism, compassion and unique nature of thinking and processing, Aquarians are often the producers of fantastic plans, projects, and movements. While their commitments and attachments are admirable, it is sometimes easy for them to forget about their core values in the process of working on everything else. During this Aquarius season, be sure to explore new opportunities and ideas in a manner that allows you to stay healthily grounded. Your foundations and core values do not need to be compromised in order for you to create something worthwhile.

So long as you find a space that embraces the spirit of air and generosity of water while staying grounded in your home and self, get excited to explore this new season of expansion and revolution with an open heart and mind!


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