How to prepare your dorm before leaving for break

As the semester’s first official break for Geneseo students quickly approaches, many on-campus residents may be wondering the proper steps to take before leaving campus. While the break may only be a few days, here are some quick things to do before leaving to ensure a stress-free return.

Communication between roommates is a vital aspect of on-campus living and should be done regularly, but especially before breaks. Before leaving for break, have a conversation with your roommate, and suitemates if appropriate, and inform them of when you plan on leaving and when you plan on returning. This will prevent confusion in the future about when they should expect to see you again.

If you are living in a suite-style room with other students, you should all make sure the common room is cleaned and organized to avoid additional stress when you return. Nobody wants to clean as soon as they get back to school. The same applies to the bathroom, especially if the bathroom will be cleaned while you are gone. Make sure to remove all items so that the amazing cleaning staff of Geneseo will be able to properly clean the bathroom. 

Laundry is a task that can be daunting if left for a long period of time. Some students opt to take laundry home for breaks to avoid the hassle of an on-campus laundry room. But if that is not you, make sure to only have a reasonable amount of dirty clothes before leaving. Not only will it add an additional task to your return, but it could also develop a smell that will linger for far too long.

While room checks vary from building to building, you should always be prepared for one to happen. This means if you accidentally brought anything to campus and later found out it is not allowed in residence halls, now is the perfect time for it to leave the campus. Bringing home anything not allowed by Geneseo will help you in the long run and keep you out of trouble. 

Food left behind unrefrigerated may go bad and even cause endless issues such as mold, smells, and ants. Even food in the fridge should be checked before leaving to ensure that it is responsible to leave it for multiple days. For example, if you bought milk a week ago and the expiration date will pass while you are gone, it is safer to throw it out before leaving. 

 Keeping your fridge plugged in will ensure your food stays cold, but all other appliances can be unplugged. Chargers, speakers, surge protectors, or anything plugged into the wall should be unplugged before leaving. All windows should be shut and locked before departure, and the same should be done to all of the doors, excluding a bathroom door in a suite. 

For any questions or uncertainties that arise while trying to prepare for the long weekend, the residential staff in your building will be able to assist you in finding answers. They will also know the proper procedures for your specific building. Although the residence halls are not closing, a majority of students will find themselves returning home for a quick fall break. Be safe while traveling and make sure to enjoy the time you have, wherever you call home.


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