Frugal Foodie: advanced avocado toast

While avocado toast is a classic breakfast for many, you can only eat avocado on bread so many times before it gets boring. If you are craving that classic avocado on toast but need to add a little something new, try these tomato and avocado sandwiches. The recipe is perfect for two, or one if you’re feeling hungry! 


-½ of a ripe avocado 

-1 medium tomato 

-4 slices of your bread of choice 

-¼ cup of hummus 



Step 1: Spread avocado over 2 slices of toast and top with tomato. 

Step 2: Spread hummus over remaining toast slices; place on top of avocado toast, facedown on top of tomato layer.

Step 3: Enjoy your lovely avocado sandwiches.

Thumbnail Photo via WikiMedia Commons


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