No-stress activities to enjoy post-midterms  

The few short weeks between Halloween and Thanksgiving can feel like they are going on forever, as students impatiently wait for the break from classes and all the work that starts to pile up mid-semester. Here are some ideas for activities to do when you need a break from studying and need to de-stress from any workload you may have. 

Watching a movie at home is always a great option to take your mind off of things, and maybe even have a couple of laughs. Popular new releases include Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Barbie, and many others, most of which can already be found on streaming. These are also great options to go see in theaters if you are looking to get out of the house for a while. 

Picking up a simple hobby is a great way to distract your mind, and may also uncover a new interest you did not know you had! Some great hobbies that do not require an abundance of supplies are baking, crocheting, photography, or journaling. Journaling in particular helps your mind recover, and you can find journaling prompts if you’re unsure of what to write. There are thousands of journaling prompts that can be found quickly on the internet and might interest you.

Taking a scenic walk around campus is a great option to relieve stress, but make sure to bundle up as the weather gets colder. Exercising in the gym on campus, or anywhere else is an alternative while waiting out for warmer weather. If you are someone that enjoys sports but you are not on any school team, there are so many intramural sports available to try out! This can be a fun group activity for you and your friends to play a sport you love or try a new one to learn some new skills.

For those who find reading to be a chore, this next one may not be for you, however, reading a fun book in between studying is a great way to avoid getting sucked into social media but still give your brain a slight rest. For those do really enjoy reading in their free time, you can join the campus book club! The Spine Breakers are always accepting new members into their book club, even if you have not read the chapters of the book they are discussing. This is a great way to keep your mind and reading skills sharp and have fun while doing it. 

Joining any campus club can be a great outlet to de-stress and to find those with similar interests to your own. The options are endless here at Geneseo for both academic clubs and non-academic clubs—there is something for everyone. 

Studying and completing homework assignments is vital to achieving good grades in classes, but it is also important to keep your mental health in mind. If you are truly struggling with assignments or classes, there are resources that can help you. These range from reaching out to a professor to explain your situation and receive appropriate accommodations, attending their office hours to get additional explanation, or reaching out to the counseling center for more extensive advice on stress management. 

Above all, remember to value your mental health, and give yourself time to de-stress in between study sessions to ensure a successful semester.

Thumbnail Photo courtesy of WikiMedia Commons


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